
Jan 28, 2012 22:44

jimmybigbang progress:

Whoooooo! It's not very good and still needs work but there are words and it's sent in and doooonnnneeee!


morganoconner did this to me. I was supposed to be safe! She posted about how she was picking The Little Mermaid and was going to write Dean/Cas but changed her mind, and I commented with a Dean/Cas idea (my usual: Dean and Cas meet, Cas gets into trouble, Dean goes to save him, you know the drill) but that was okay because the prompt was taken.

But then I went and looked at the prompts and Flight of the Navigator was there and guys, I loved that movie so much when I was a kid. And it works so well as a Dean/Cas prompt, with Cas as the alien who kidnaps Dean and brings him back eight years later not realizing what a big deal that is, and there's guilt and misunderstandings and stupid, stupid risk taking! Cas skulking around disguised as a human! Dean saving Cas from the bad guys even though he still kind of hates him! Bonding because Cas is the only one who don't treat him like a freak!

You all are supposed to keep me from doing things like like this!

At least it's not another big bang?

omgdeadlines, big bang, my flist looks out for me, yes i signed up for something else

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