Yay + DVD Commentary Meme!

Jan 22, 2012 18:23

jimmybigbang progress:

There's one more section left, probably around 3-4k, and then done. *maniacal laughter*

I also got in touch with my artist (guys! someone picked my fic to make art of! that's awesome!) so I'll know soon enough what they think of the ~story so far~.


God, I'm so behind on comments. (Which is in no way a complaint, because saying "I have so many comments to reply to!" is like saying "Oh no! How will I eat all this ice cream?!" The best of all problems, in other words. You guys are Super Awesome, have I told you that recently?) Also, my masterlist is a horrible mess. Must fix that.


A Mysterious Stranger replied to the mini-dvd commentary meme and asked me to expound on this excerpt from Celebrations:

For context, in the story Cas shows up beaten up on Dean's birthday, and as Dean patches him up they get into a discussion about birthdays, why they're such a big deal for humans, and how angels don't have them. Dean suggests that Cas pick a day to celebrate, since he didn't know the actual day he'd been created, and Cas asks if he could pick the day he dragged Dean from Hell since meeting Dean was pretty much the crossroad of his life. Which is a surprise to Dean because Dean, bless him, consistently refuses to recognize how important he is.

Cas that says he doesn't think he'd even be alive had he not met Dean, since Uriel still would have been doing his thing. And scene:

"There was no rescue for the seven of my brothers and sisters he killed."

Dean couldn't fight down the image of Uriel standing over Cas with his sword drawn. "He wouldn't have gotten away with it."

"You wouldn't have known me, Dean. Let alone cared to avenge me." Dean felt his insides churn. He liked that idea even less, Cas dying alone and unmourned with Dean never even knowing to be pissed off.

I've been playing with the idea for a while now of an AU where Dean gets thrown into a S4 timeline where some other angel pull him out of Hell and he and Cas never meet. In that story Dean have fun making use of his future knowledge until he got word that "Lilith" was killing angels, and Dean goes into panic mode because he knows Cas is in the line of fire. I have no idea where that story would go (I keep debating on whether to put it up as an Everlasting Birthday prompt and seeing if someone can make something of it) but I have a big weakness for those kinds of AUs. I used basically the same idea in Outrun My Gun, only in that it was Cas who has a whole history with Dean while Dean's the one who has no idea who Cas is.

And I like that what gets Dean the most upset isn't even so much that Cas dies in this hypothetical scenerio, it's that hypothetical!Dean doesn't know he's supposed to be out for blood about it. It makes my shipper heart happy.:)

"In fact, if I had agreed to join him, we would have been enemies."

The only thing worse than imaging someone trying to put a sword through Castiel's chest was the thought that in some reality he might be the one trying to do it.

We all know by now that I have ~feelings~ about Uriel.:) I find everything about that fight in "On The Head Of A Pin" fascinating, all those little choices I'm not even sure were in the script: Cas putting up his dukes instead of drawing on Uriel, that Uriel has Cas dead to rights at least twice and doesn't go for a kill shot (there isn't a mark on the angel in the beginning of the episode, so it's clearly that Cas is saying no there), and just how personally Uriel seems to take the whole thing. And that's not even counting in how Uriel was alone with Cas plenty of times without his bringing up Lucifer's name at all.

Cas only found out because of the thing with Alastair, and that only happened because of Dean. He never meets Dean, they probably never catch Alastair (since it's pretty obvious that plan was all Cas) then Cas never finds out what Uriel's up to. If Uriel was waiting for the right time to approach Castiel, who's to say he doesn't find it?

"Good thing you met me, then. Saved your life." Castiel huffed out a breath that was almost a laugh. "So, we know what day to break out the party favors for you, then."

"That was in...September," Castiel said, Dean watching him match the Earth calendar to whatever it was they used in Heaven.

However they measure time in Heaven, I'm pretty sure it's not by the Earth calendar.:)

"And this is January." His expression fell. "That's a very long time."

"Little over eight months. What, Mr. Older-than-the-Earth can't go that long without a party?"

Castiel looked away. "A lot happens in eight months."

Yes. Yes it can.:( Obviously I had no idea when I wrote this how S6 would end up, but canon makes this ending a lot more bittersweet than it had originally been.

omgdeadlines, big bang, meme

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