Bah, I say.

Dec 12, 2011 01:27

Gah. I didn't make anywhere near the progress I wanted to this weekend, but on the bright side I did manage to finish some fics for fandom_stocking, so at least some writing happened, even if it wasn't the writing I was hoping for. /o\ (Mine is here).

To keep all my self indulgence in one place, here's my wishlist meme post:

Step One
♥ Make an LJ post. It can be public or friends only, whatever you’re most comfortable with. The post should contain your list of ten holiday wishes, and these wishes can be anything - from simple (a fan fiction written about your favorite pairing), to medium (a DVD you want), to really extravagant (a brand new laptop or car). Just make sure these are wishes for things you really truly want.

Step Two
♥ Skim through your friends list and see who has posted their own wish lists. Then - and this is the most important part - if you find a wish you can grant, and it’s in your heart to do so, make sure that person’s wish comes true. Sometimes a person’s trash is another person’s treasure. If you have a leather jacket you don’t want or a gift certificate you’re never going to use, give it to someone who wants it.

Step Three
♥ Post this wish list any time after November 1st. Then repost it two weeks before Christmas.

♥ You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday fairy - to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not, it's your call.

♥ There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. Just...wish, and it might come true. Give, and you might receive. And you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.

1. (Warning: this is incredibly self-indulgent) Fan art for something I've written. That would honestly make my year, forget my holiday.

2. I love crossover fic, especially SPN crossover fic. Give me Dean and Cas or TFW meeting the Doctor, or crossing the Avengers, or running into the Human Target guys and I'm there. Nothing makes me happier than all my fandoms being one fandom.:)

3. Icons or LJ headers. I have negative graphic design ability.:)

4. Movie passes (preferably AMC). I love seeing movies in real live theaters but it's too expensive.

5. Target or Shop Rite gift cards. Those are the two places I shop the most.

6. Paid XBox live time or paid LJ/icon time

7. Amazon points/amazon gift card (these will go directly on my kindle.:)

8. Chocolate. Love it. Dark, especially.

9. Phantom of the Opera tickets. (I know, I know. But I can dream!)

10. All of you to have amazing, wonderful holidays. I never would have dragged myself through this past year with you. *massive hugs*

I didn't do a card post because I know I'm way too scatterbrained to wrangle that this time of year, but if anyone wants my address (and of I know who you are!:) just PM or email (in my profile).

my flist looks out for me, writing's hard!, meme

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