I want a time-turner. Or a TARDIS.

Nov 19, 2011 00:34

I am severely unamused that the week is almost over. How did that happen? Why can't I fall into an unattended money bin so I can be a full time lady of leisure?

Anyway, tomorrow we're heading out to Plymouth Rock and going aboard the Mayflower, weather permitting. I will attempt to take pictures. Also, earlier I caught a little bit of the Crow and that relieved some of my end-of-vacation despair. (It probably says ~things~ about me that my two biggest comfort movies are The Crow and Watchmen.) If I didn't already know what I was doing for jimmybigbang I would be tempted by the idea of an everything goes wrong 4.20 AU where Castiel never comes back from Heaven, Jimmy, Amelia and Claire all die and then Jimmy comes back with Crow powers and just starts tearing things up.


Progress report!

1) spn_reversebang: back from beta (thanks, electricskeptic, you're awesome!) and guys, I can't wait until Monday so you can see the art I have in my inbox. Dreading writing a summary.

2) deancas_xmas: off to aerilex's capable hands, so by tomorrow I should know whether I should just scrap that idea and try again. *sigh*

3) spn_in_space: didn't get as much done as I wanted this week, but I managed to poke at it. I still need to figure out what happens between the major THING and the end, because otherwise I'm just being needlessly mean to Cas. And in fairness, I'm normally pretty mean to him, but I like to think I'm not needlessly mean.

How did the week go for the rest of you? How are all of your projects coming along?

crossovers that need to be, writing's hard!, do not want, jumped by bunnies, rl

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