I just want all my fandoms to cross over. Is that too much to ask?

Nov 15, 2011 20:16

So...GISHWHES. Has anyone signed up? Because I can throw together an essay at the last minute with the best of them if I can be on your teams.


Yesterday some kind soul filled in my Nick/Ellis L4D2 prompt on comment_fic and it made me so happy. I love my zombie hunting boys. I once plotted out a fic where the L4D world is actually the same as the 5.04!verse and the Four stumble on the aftermath of the fight at the Asylum, find Cas still breathing and nurse him back to health.

Then of course it all goes south when it comes out that Nick sold his soul years ago for a big score and the contract's come due. He knows it, Cas knows it just by looking at him and Nick tells Cas to look out for Ellis and those other two rubes. Obviously everyone's wrecked when Nick dies, especially Ellis, then Cas casually mentions that they could just go down to hell and get him back.

The only catch there is that Cas says they have to make a stop and drag someone else out of hell, too - some guy named Dean Winchester. Oh, and perform a ritual that will rip the devil out of his living host, one that can only be performed in hell. They're all up for that, right?

Then I realized that's a long, long story and only I would want to read it. *pets zombie hunters*

crossovers that need to be, supernatural, geekery, l4d2, someone get on this

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