Goals. I have them!

Nov 11, 2011 00:08

1) spn_reversebang is safely in the expert hands of electricskeptic!

2) deancas_xmas continues apace! I'm aiming to have this done by this weekend so I can work on my spn_in_space and jimmybigbang. I actually did wrote some more of the spacey one this week (River and Cas talking about broken things. *smooshes them both*) It needs a little bit more plotting - I know how it ends, and a major thing that happens before that, I just need to pin down what happens between - but I'm hoping I can have that down by this weekend, once I get the deancas_xmas out of the way.

3) The other reason I want the deancas_xmas out of the way is because I'm going on vacation! In a few short days I should be up at the Cape, happily getting puppy snuggles and having a whole week of sweet, sweet nothing.


I just realized that my spn_in_space draft and my jimmybigbang summary are due the same day. Hahaha. Ha. *sigh*


There was something else I do not recall. It will come to me, I'm sure.

omgdeadlines, writing's hard!, rl

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