Is there a rehab for signing up for fic challenges?

Nov 06, 2011 11:50

I hope everyone had a good Guy Fawkes day! (or as we call it here, Happy Rewatch-V-For-Vendatta day!:)


Progress report!

1) comment fic for peachpai: accomplished!

2) edit on spn_reversebang: in progess!

3) fic for deancas_xmas: um. Ask again later? I haven't been able to stay up past midnight the past two days, which is just a waste of a perfectly good weekend as far as I'm concerned.


I sent morganoconner the beginning of a fic a day ago, asking if she thought it was worth continuing with, and she reached through the computer and forced me to sign to sign up for this:

spn-in-space | Rules & Schedule | Sign-Ups

So that's three fics that come due between now and Jan 20th, one of which is a big bang. Yay! *tired already*:)

omgdeadlines, my flist looks out for me, yes i signed up for something else

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