Well, I guess we're due.

Sep 17, 2011 23:45

It's been a long time coming, but we've finally cycled back to "It's not safe to be with me! I must be alone! SO ALONE!" Doctor. But without the dramatic posturing and staring off into the middle distance that Ten was so fond of, so I guess that's something.

I'm not surprised by any means; this has been a rough season for Eleven, just failure after failure after failure. And most of it has centered on Amy: his putting her into a position where she could be kidnapped, his failing to save Melody, his bringing her to the quarantine planet, and now this. And even with all that, I don't think he would have left them if Rory hadn't made it clear that he was done with this. Not consciously, maybe, he seemed pretty dismayed that the Doctor left, but it's been clear that Rory's been done for a while.

I'm wondering now if he'll see them again before that day on the beach. And if he doesn't, how sad is it that he summons their past selves, the ones before all the disappointment? Oh, Doctor.

Poor Rita. She would have been a kick-ass companion. And can we all agree that the Doctor saw himself in his room? (The clown was my room. Sorry, guys. I did like the "Don't talk to the clown!" admonishment.:)

ETA: Unless the room with little Amelia was his room, not Amy's as I'd assumed.

Now to buckle down and answer comments. And then, hopefully, work on some wing!kink smut. Mmm, smut.

writing's hard!, i love this show, doctor who

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