New Doctor Who in twelve minutes! Neeeewwwwww!
Also I have BBCA now! This is the first new Who I haven't had to watch on the internet in years!
Raining now but no real wind or problems to speak of. And obviously there's power.
To watch NEW DOCTOR WHO!!!!!
You know, at some point it's going to hit everyone that they left Hitler in the cupboard.:)
I don't know what people who don't care for River or don't like Doctor/River thought of this episode, but since River Song turns my eyes into little glowing hearts I loved every second.
The reveal that Mels was actually River caught me completely off guard and in hindsight explained so much about that flashback. And poor, abused baby!Rory! I had my hands over my face and just said "Oh, Amy" over and over during the whole "But you're gay!" conversation.
I loved how even brainwashed and new River was still River, targeting fatcats, sassing Nazis, fabulous the entire time. And I adored that scene where she where she chose to save him was gorgeously done.
And the callbacks! The old "guns don't work in the TARDIS" lie! Five's cane! It made my geeky heart happy.
*hugs show*