Also, no one knows how to merge.

Jun 17, 2011 18:58

The road was flooded in three separate places on the drive home today. It's only a 10 mile commute! I would have been better off in a kayak for most of it.


I was so tired last time I don't even remember falling asleep. I picture myself keeling over on the couch like a cartoon character as soon as the last person left my house. I woke at three AM to a thunderclap that sounded like a canon going off and my cat poking me as if she was afraid I'd gone into a coma and would no longer be able to spoon food into her bowl.

In brighter news, there will be fic posted tonight (the one for the kink meme) if it kills me, even if I'm no surer how to tag this thing than I was a week ago.

Kink Meme Project Update:

1) Cas gets hurt, Dean finds out and goes BAMF, and uses Cas sword to protect him and gets revenge. Up to writer how Dean is able to use sword(profound bond, mating etc.)

2) Cas falls, and is reborn is a human. 16-18 years later, he manages to track down an older Dean, who thought Castiel died. Dean feels weird around such a young Castiel, but Cas isn't going to let him deny them both their second chance.

3) Clairestiel/Dean, anything based in 5x04. Prefer Clairestiel/2014!Dean.

4) Cas has to travel back in time (for whatever reason you think of) and gets stuck in 1994 maybe because he's running out of mojo. There he runs into a teenage!Dean, and Cas finds himself saving Dean's life.

The other two have to go on the back burner for a bit while I focus on my Everlasting Birthday story and kink_bingo, (and whatever I get assigned for rarities) but I have outlines for both of them (outlines, oh dear God what is wrong with me) so they're just on hold, not abandoned.

(I am already freaking out about the Birthday fic. It's gonna be long, and I've never written full-blown, from the ground up AU before and I'm doing it all wrong and oh God, somebody hold me.)

writing's hard!, blind panic, do not want, challenge, rl

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