Wait, turn left THEN stay right?

Jun 15, 2011 16:49

I have a comically bad sense of direction, especially when I'm driving, which is why I have a wonderful robot voice to guide me around. And sometimes that still doesn't help.

Today I was coming back from a field visit, which should have been an easy peasy straight shot back home --- except there was a detour. "Okay," I thought, "no biggie, I'll just turn right here and...wait, why am I looking at EZPass signs?" So yes, I made a wrong turn onto I-78 (UNEXPECTED TOLL ROAD IS UNEXPECTED) exactly too late to turn around before having to go through and take one of those little tickets. All I could do was helplessly follow along, hoping that that two dollars and assorted change in my pocket would be enough to cover whatever toll I'd accrued and desperately looking for an exit.

Which I eventually found. In Newark. (an enormous city I'm entirely unfamiliar with in a different county than the one I'd started in.) And just as I started aimlessly driving the Newark streets looking for an ATM in case I wandered onto another toll road Nick Cave came on the mp3 player singing about serial killers.

It's a miracle I'm not posting from my phone in the wilds of Pennsylvania somewhere. I would make a terrible Hunter.


For everyone who's seen Game of Thrones and hates Joffrey (which should be 100% of you):

image Click to view


Okay, so there will definitely be fic tonight. The coma took me again last night (I couldn't make it through Master Chef. That's tired, trust me.) And if you watch deancaskink, there should be something in there, too.:)

winter is coming, writing's hard!, rl

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