I joined the grave dancer's union. I had to file.

Jun 10, 2011 18:43

I was almost late for work this morning because I put on the wrong pants. It's been that kind of day.


So, it's all offical-like: DC has canceled Secret Six. That brings the total number of DC comics I read that DC where DC has either changed the creative team or outright canceled to all of them. Sigh.

And in extremely perplexing DC reboot news, DC finally announced yesterday what team J'onn was landing on --- not JLA, as you'd expect, or JLI, as I'd hoped. But Stormwatch. Along with Jack Hawksmoor, Apollo and, if the cover's to be believed, Midnighter. I do not understand this strange new world that suddenly exists.

Martian Manhunter's my favorite DC character. And I love me some Authority. I just...how is this going to work? Are they from the Wildstorm earth, here through the Bleed? Have they been here the whole time? Is Jenny coming too? Doesn't anyone remember what happened to the last Stormwatch? Make me understand!

It's being written by Paul Cornell, so I'll give it a shot, but I'm just all *hands* over the whole thing.

That said, here's my tentative new pull list:

1) Firestorm (because I love Gail Simone but just can't bring myself to support the Batgirl book.)

2) JLI (Dan Jurgens concerns me but I love these characters. And Booster's leading it! This is the team of my heart, people!)

3) Blue Beetle

4) Stormwatch

5) Resurrection Man (love that character)

I might also pick up Static Shock. And I have friends to supply me with Jason Todd and his Amazing Friends. Although I still don't understand why Kory is on that team instead of Cass. It would be all about disappointing paternal figures and questionable life choices! Kory and Roy were Titans together, that I get, but Jason? And Jason and Roy hanging out makes sense (see above mentioned disappointing paternal figures combined with a nice dose of pissed at the world, since I'm betting Lian's still dead or, even more offensive, now never existed) but then why Kory?

And I like Starfire. I just don't get why she's on this team instead of any of the other ones.


Still time to decide my fate! I'm closing the poll when my eyes open in the morning, so if there's something you NEED me to write now's the time!:) (and thank you everyone for not making fun of my stupid, stupid typo. I cannot edit polls.)

kink_bingo, dc, do not want, comics

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