What is this I do not even.

Jun 01, 2011 19:50

So apparently DC Comics has apparently decided to squander what little good will it's earned with me by rebooting all of is major titles, renumbering them and supposedly making everyone ten years younger. Because everyone loved "Heroes Reborn," right? Right?

Revealed in that article: Grant Morrison writing Superman and James Robinson being rewarded for writing "Cry For Justice," truly one of the worst things I've ever read in my life, with Hawkman.

Oh, and Gail Simone is off Birds of Prey. Seriously.

If this cancels Secret Six I'm done with DC. Again.


In more cheery news, overnight my laptop charger stopped working (completely dead, not even lighting up) and my battery stopped charging, even with a new charger. Overnight, like they hatched some kind of suicide plot while I slept. It didn't need to come to that, machines! I would have supported your love!

So the whole thing boils down to me being out $55 for a charger that lets me at least stay plugged in if not actually charging. Because the battery is apparently in mourning.


In actually cheery news, behold my kink_bingo card:

*rolls about laughing uproariously* I do not believe I got some of these. Orgies! Bruises! Marking! A square that may as well read "Write wing!kink here, please!" It's not perfect (there's one or two beyond me) but I can do things with this! THINGS!

(Anyone who wants in on the kink_bingo action, I still have DW invites!)

technology hates me, kink_bingo, dc, do not want, comics, i've killed again

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