Because every Marine in 'Nam knew John Winchester.

May 04, 2011 23:39

Y'know what someone should write? A story where Sam and Dean are on a hunt in NYC and run into the Punisher --- or more likely Frank runs into them, because he recognizes them as his old war buddy John's boys and is curious about what brings them to town. Then they fight some kind of mutual enemy --- let's say demon mobsters --- so that we can go as long as possible before realizing just cracked up Frank really is.

And Spider-Man should factor in somehow, because he and Dean snarking at each other would be a thing of beauty.

You could even work in that whole "Frank's an assassin for Heaven" story arc everyone likes to pretend never happened! Poor Cas having to explain that bit of heavenly nonsense would be gold. (Or if it's set present season, maybe Cas recruits him again. That could be one of his regrettable things.)

I'm just saying. Someone should get on that.

crossovers that need to be, supernatural, someone get on this, jumped by bunnies, comics

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