Why did no one tell me this?!

Apr 05, 2007 00:00

So, wait...the beautiful guy who sang "Night and Day" in De-Lovely was John Barrowman? Captain Jack? And no one told me this? Fie on my poor facial memory! *makes a point to acquire DVD tomorrow*

So, the universe is pretty much out to get Sawyer, huh? This'll be fun when it comes out. At some point Kate and Sawyer are going to be having a tender moment, and he'll confess about this woman who put him in jail and the kid he has out there, and Kate's eyes are going to narrow. "Wait, what did you say the woman's name was?"

"Cassie, I think. I dunno. Why, is it important?"

*punch in face*

I appreciate that the episode about abandonment and betrayl has planted the very information that will convince Kate that Sawyer will abandon and betray her.:) And I say this as someone who's actually liked Sawyer for much of this season, which is a nice change from the blinding hatred of the previous two. I still don't think he's ready to lead the party, but he's certainly making progress. I did like Hurley tricking Sawyer into acting like there's a G at the end of the alignment; the growing friendship between the two of them has been one of the highlights this season.

Oh, Kate. I love Kate, poor decision-making and all. She's so fiercely loyal to the people she cares about, and even though she thinks everything she does isn't good enough she keeps trying. It hurt when Locke said his piece about how he tried to convince the Others she was a "good person." From the look on her face it was clear she thought that now Locke saw her just as dirty as she sees herself, even though I'm not sure that was his intention (if anyone could sympathize with wanting to blow up Dad, it's Locke).

Kate and Sayid need to have some long conversations about how to deal with inner darkness.

Ooh, the Doctor's tormenting Harry Potter on HBO! *goes to watch*

ETA: I just love the scene where Barty Jr. tries to sidle out of the trial room.

lost, captain jack

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