This Week's Fannish Friday 5

Mar 23, 2007 22:48

From fannish5: You are given the opportunity to erase from existence five episodes, scenes, or lines of dialogue from canon. Which five get the axe?

1) Star Trek: TNG, "The Q and the Grey"

If I could erase Q's entire Voyager arc from existance I would, but this would be a good start. I love Q. He's by far by favorite Next Gen character. I was so happy when I heard he would be appearing on Voyager, since at the time I liked the series. Then he actually started appearing on Voyager. Oy.

The entire arc is problematic, but "Q and the Grey" is just a perfect storm of bad writing. It has the hamfisted Q/Janeway pairing, bad metaphors for war, and best of all, a conclusion that only works if you ignore prior canon. (So, the Q have gone so long without sexual reproduction that it happening again would be revolutionary? But wait, wasn't Amanda Rogers...oh right. Voyager.) In retrospect, this was when I gave up on the series.

2) The Doctor Who movie: "I'm half human on my mother's side."

No. No, no, no, no, no. Just no. No.

3) The Kitty Pryde S.H.I.E.L.D. miniseries

Again, if I could erase Ben Raab's entire Excalibur run, I would, but this series literally made me angry. I don't get rabidly OTP often, especially not with comics, but Pryde & Wisdom were My Couple (second only to Rogue & Gambit, and well, see #4), and having them blown apart like this actually hurt. I would have been upset no matter now Kitty and Pete were broken up, but having Kitty get a crush on some young SHIELD himbo and out of the blue decide that the age difference between her and Pete is too much? No. That's not Kitty Pryde. I don't remember if she actually cheated on him, but there's no way I'm going back to look. I can't remember the last time I was so disappointed in a fictional character. Well, except for...

4)Uncanny X-Men #350

Marvel excells at blowing apart my couples. I could have dealt with Rogue dumping Gambit, even thought the big secret wasn't all that bad (really, being tricked by Sinister is a hanging offense now? Do tell!), but abandoning him in frakking Antarctica? That's a bit much. I never really bought the retcon that it was Gambit's memories that forced Rogue to do it, and I never got my squee for the pairing back.

5) Astonishing X-Men #4

Oh, Joss, why do you hurt me so?

I hate Colossus. I literally danced around the room when he died. And I really hate Colossus/Kitty, not just because I like Kitty/Pete but because I think they bring out the worst in each other and that Kitty regresses to fourteen every time she comes within twenty feet of Piotr.

*Sigh* Of all the Rasputins to bring back, too.

fannish 5

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