I was really hoping Chance would have to protect Santa.

Dec 22, 2010 21:04

Uh oh. You pissed off the Company? You are screwed, my friend. Which one has powers, I wonder?

Aw, Chance is going to learn the power of Christmas!

Chance, let her go! Let her go! Oh, I see, it's the mating dance of the wild reformed assassin. And Chance, please don't compare her mourning her husband to you still being bent out of shape over someone you knew three days.

Bwah. The criminals are all horrified. "Where are we?" "We're in hell."

They look like they're trying to talk to alien life. It's probably for the best Guerrero didn't get into the house.

Guerrero! Guerrero! You cannot kill everyone in the office building.

I'm loving this. Chance is not dealing at all.

I love Guerrero five figure discounting his way around the building.

What, was it 2-for-1 day at the Random Eurotrash Assassin Expo?

Winston, if you keep comparing yourself and Chance to married couples people are going to start talking. More than they already are, anyway.

Chance didn't expect Winston to agree with that.

Oh God, Guerrero's counting his loot.

Chance at the party was awesome. "Don't do drugs, kids!"

Hee. Guerrero's been waiting to be let off the leash all episode.

Aw, Chance. You have a family. One made of criminals and crazy people, but it's a family!

Mall fight! This is a cavaclade of asskicking. Uh oh, Chance has to jump off something! And there's a sleigh!

I love you, Guerrero, you and your horrible, horrible life.

I love that Chance didn't get all schmoopy about Christmas. Take out that tree!

guerrero is a bad dude, i love this show

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