Oh, Tyrion. How are you so awesome?

Nov 30, 2010 19:22

Doctor Who 2010 Christmas Special!

image Click to view

(I love that shot of the Doctor in the window.)

A Game of Thrones!

image Click to view

I may have to get HBO for this.


The Very Special Veterinary Episode of House that has become my life continues. Lexi's back at the vet's --- the internist is still confident that it's a vaccine reaction, and apparently she's doing better now that they've upped the steroid dose again, but I just want her better.


I've been stalking fandom_stocking and taking notes on what I can fill. It's not a cheat if it was a fic you were thinking about writing anyway, right? (And again, I fail at comment fic. A good half of the fics I have sketched out aren't going to fit in the comment field. Ah, brevity, my old enemy.)

winter is coming, writing's hard!, lexi, doctor who

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