All my shows are actually one big show.

Nov 14, 2010 20:07

Forgot to mention, I managed to catch the Psych premiere earlier this week, and it's about frakking time Shawn and Juliet finally got out of their own way. Of course, it's doomed unless Shawn can finally come clean so he's not lying to her every single time they have a case, but at least something's finally happening.

I always double take when Zachariah shows up as the M.E. on Psych. Was it Woody's twin Zachariah was riding around in all that time, do we think? That would be a fun crossover, Shawn and Gus trying to solve that murder. There are no two people on less equipped to deal with Sam and Dean and Cas's crazy, terrible lives than Shawn and Gus. And let's up the drama a little bit more: maybe Zachariah asked Woody first and he said no. We know it works through bloodlines, so Zachariah just shrugs and goes to the twin brother. Just as good, after all, right? And then we all know how that works out.

Poor Woody. And Shawn and Gus would want to help out.

I want that crossover right after the Human Target one where Chance and Guerrero take one look at Lassiter and everyone's guns come out.:)


AO3 still won't let me edit my sign-up to offer JLU! What do I have to do? Let me iiiiinnn! *bangs on Ao3's virtual door*

ETA: I got it to work! Yaaaaaay!

psych, crossovers that need to be, supernatural, someone get on this, yuletide

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