Bwahahaa! I knew it!

Mar 14, 2007 23:10

Jack and Claire are brother and sister! I knew it! As soon as I saw the flashback last season of Jack's dad drunkenly demanding, "She's my daughter! I have a right to see her!" I knew he was talking about Claire.

Hee. I'm jazzed. I hardly ever get it right on Lost.

And next week is a Locke-isode! I'm really eager to understand where his head has been this season; some of my favorite Locke scenes last season were the conversations with Ben, and it looks like Ben had an even bigger impression on Locke than I'd realized. That aside, from the promos it seems we're finally getting to the wheelchair. Finally!

I don't get into Lost very often here, but I think the last few episodes have been really strong (excepting the Jack one. And I like Jack, although now I'm wondering if we should read anything into Claire working at a tattoo shop). Locke is by far my favorite, though, crazy ranger that he is. I'm not at all shocked he knew the place would blow, or that he pocketed some C4. He's not trustworthy. He'll follow his destiny now no matter who he has to run over in the process. It's all he has now, his entire identity is wrapped up in this, and not just because the island gave him back his legs. Locke hated himself before coming to the island. I'm not sure what he wouldn't do to make sure he never has to go back to that.

Sayid and Kate continue to have cute chemistry. Not quite cute enough to make me stop hoping for Sayid/Rousseau, but very cute. If Jack really has started drinking the Others Koolaide, Kate being with Sayid for a while would be fun.

ETA: Oh noez! superherogrlcat is posting Heroes spoilers! About Claude! Why dost thou tempt me!? Must...stay...strong!


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