Hi de ho!
Sorry for the radio silence! My life has been hectic and filled with the drama these past few months, but I'm going to make a point of being around more often. And I know I owe people things --- and I will deliver --- and I'm hoping to put the wheels back on my fic-writing wagon.
And on the subject of fic writing!
isilrandir just finished Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, a true cause for celebration because it is inspiring her to write Thrawn/Pellaeon fic like
this. And she's promising more. I am completely in favor of enabling her.:)
There's still time to participate in the horror meme!
A gen-oriented, horror-themed comment meme
[Click on the image to go to the meme.]
Banner courtesy of
animotus A rec from it!
fulselden posted
this response to my Watchmen prompt and it is fantastic. Read it. Love it. And I've just realized I didn't actually comment on it, which I will rectify in just a second.
I'm in there filling a Supernatural prompt, because I forgot that I'm terrible at comment memes because I just utterly fail at brevity. My fill is currently three parts, will be four by tonight and will probably go at least six or seven before it's done. Of course the longest thing I've written in months comes from a comment meme prompt.:) (And speaking of, there may be fic tonight, from something I wrote in
comment_fic last week. Which also went two parts. (Brevity. I fails it.:)
In closing, I am going to the
Rally to Restore Sanity! I specifically got a memory card for my camera today so I can take many, many pictures. Whoooo! Moderates unite and make your voices heard in a peaceful, respectful dialogue!