(no subject)

Feb 06, 2009 18:31

Oi! Backstory time!

“Okay! That’s enough you two.”
The two males leapt from each other, the brown and white one(Light) and the black and grey one(Ryuzaki) backing off to sit on their haunches.
“Alright,” said the old man sitting on the edge of a stump. “Ryuzaki, Light. You both have done well. I’ll speak with the elders, and within a month, one of you’ll be Alpha. Now shake hands.” The two males shifted back into humans and did as they were told.
“Best of luck, Yagami-kun…”
“You too, Ryuzaki.” And he jogged off with a respectful wave.
Misa looked on approvingly. Light was only 18, three years younger than Ryuzaki, but he had the brains and skill needed to lead a pack. Well, the other one did too. Wasn’t that the whole point of the judging? Whatever. She knew Lght would get the position. She was jarred from her thoughts when Light’s large hand shook her shoulders.
“Were you listening to a single word I’ve been saying?” She blinked owlishly.
“Um, no?” Gee, Misa. Way to make friends and influence people!
“Idiot,” His words were mean, but there was laughter in his voice. “Par-tay. To-night! You coming?” Oh. Oh! Of course. She shook her head good naturedly.
“Nah. You go ahead. I’m going to go check on the new babies.”
Light nodded. Just a month previously, a woman from the pack had died in childbirth. While the loss of a packmate was terrible, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Werewolf pups were raised by the community as a whole, and 17 year old Misa had taken to the newborns instantly, stopping by the nursery to visit them often.
“Well, see you there, I guess.”

When she opened to door to the nursery, Misa froze. Something wasn’t right. The air seemed too thin. There was a movement by the crib, and she nearly jumped, but calmed down when she saw who it was.
“Oh, Beyond, it’s you. You scared me for a sec.” Beyond was Ryuzaki’s brother, and the two were nearly identical. If it weren’t for their advanced sense of smell all werewolves possessed, no one would tell them apart. Right now, he was leaning on the crib, eyeing the babies. She stepped forward curiously. Something wasn’t right. The look in his eyes…it was wrong somehow.
“Beyond. You’re not authorized to be in here.”
“Oh? Why not? I’m every bit of a pack member as you are.” He leaned towards to children hungrily. “As much as they are…”
“Beyond!” She was marching towards them now.
“Oh don’t worry, little girl. I won’t hurt them…” his face elongated into a snout, his teeth sharpening to fangs. “…At least, not much.” Rage bubbled over, magic spilling from every pore. She rushed at him, and knocked him to the side. She grabbed one of the babies and ran for it. Beyond tutted.
“Oh no you don’t.” One massive, black paw came crashing down on her back, the little one slipping from her grasp. She tried to scramble back to her feet, when a shriek froze her. “Now, now little bitch. What about this little punk here?” There he was, his fangs digging into the child’s neck. Everything went red, and she flew at him. Bookcases and furniture collapsed on the snarling, canine bodies. But they didn’t care.
He gave her a triumphant, canine grin. He wasn’t without injury though. The blond-furred bitch had scratched up his muzzle, and his right ear was torn to shreds. But he didn’t care. He got what he wanted.
“No…NO!!!” Small, lifeless eyes looked up at her. When had he…? How had he…? She curled up around the tiny, broken bodies as exhaustion from the the heartbreak and her berserker rage overtook her. That monster was still there, but by now, she was too weak…too crushed to care anymore. Over her own sobs, she could hear voices.
“Go get the Elders…”
Everything went dark as she let unconsciousness take her…

…Only to be awoken by screams, and a tugging at her hind legs. Something was trying to pull her out from under the wreckage! Someone was trying to take her away from the ones she failed to protect!
“No!!! I won’t abandon them. Not again!” She opened her jaws and grasped onto one of the little bodies, only to blink when sunlight hit her face.
“Dear God…She really killed them!” The Elders! And the entire pack! All of them, staring in horror.
“We’ve got her, Sir. And she’s still got Aveiv!”
“N-no! Let me explain! Beyond-!”
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” was that…Ryuzaki? She could hear Beyond slinking up to him.
“You see, brother? It is as I told you. It was all part of a plot to frame you…to ensure Yagami’s position…” What? What?! Ryuzaki growled and leapt at her.
“Misa, you wretched traitor! YOU MURDEROUS BEAST!”
“No! Listen to me!” she shouted as she strained to get back on her feet. Ryuzaki would have surely killed her, had not an enormous pair of jaws clamped down around his neck. Light threw him to the ground, snarling.
“If one more fang touches her, I’ll gut you all.” Behind him were their friends. Sayu, Matsuda, even the creepy bitch, Takada! As Light helped her to her feet, she felt her heart sink. They were still surrounded. And each and every person there was either friend or family. This was one battle they could not fight.
“Take them all,” growled one of the Elders. “We will hold the hearing tomorrow night.”

As they sat in that cell waiting, they had much time to think. She remembered what the traitor Beyond had said.
‘You see, brother? It is as I told you. It was all part of a plot to frame you…to ensure Yagami’s position…’ She sat up with a gasp. Could it be? Was this all a ploy to ensure Ryuzaki’s position? This conspiracy probably went deeper then she originally thought!
“Banishment.” That word, from Ryuzaki’s mouth none the less, rang in her ears. Immediately after their arrest, he had been given the coveted rank. And as they ran off with their former friends snapping at their heels, she could have sworn that she say a smirk on his face. She knew, the next time she saw them, she’d kill them. But for now, she would follow Light, her friend and sometimes-lover. Though there was only a few of them, they were still a pack, and he was their leader. She could live with that.


A/n: Well, I'll leave it to you guys to decide wether or not L was invlolved in all of this. Remember, this is from Misa's point of view, so she thinks he might've. Personally, I think it's just Misa jumping to conclusions.
The reason why Light-o has been civil with most of the L's is because he was only pissed at the banishment, and with their L dead, has moved on with his life(even if he is still a bit sore about it). Misa, however, comes with a bit of extra crazy, possibly from all the trauma, and is convinced that L was in on it.

Thanks to Emo_Mello and Candy_detective for convincing me to do this. And thanks to Lightpaws for helping me write this and for coming upstairs to give me dinner while doing so.  Also, thanks to Misa and Nate for not killing her in fits of epic RAGE.
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