Sep 18, 2003 21:04
i joined benenden girls school croquet team today
this is the most amusing team i have ever joined
how typical...a public school girl in uniform playing croquet...civilised i think not...its all about pissing off the other team members it seems and is very vicious
cant you see im now turning into a proper public school girl
along with drama auditions today has been hectic...i really wish to get the part as the spoilt rich teenage coke head...who would of thought benenden would put on something as controversial considering the abortion scene in cabaret was removed for being just that
i very much look forward to entering croquet will be a shocker
on a lighter again note...embarassment occured when my art history teacher walked into a room as i was walking out when i walked back in i heard the last 30 seconds of vnv's cold blaring out...when i realised to my embarassment what he was listening to i turned it off and he said "oh matilda i was enjoying that"...eeek