conversations with mei ling, always a treat

Jun 28, 2006 00:38

meilingatha: how went chuhcargoh?
meilingatha: did you guys see any good places?
bloofyc: it went very well!
bloofyc: we signed an application for a lease!!
meilingatha: wooo!
meilingatha: supercool!
bloofyc: don't know yet for sure if we're going to get the place, but we're hopeful.
bloofyc: it's nifty skippy.
bloofyc: wanna hear about it?
meilingatha: yea?
meilingatha: YES
meilingatha: of course@
bloofyc: okay okay.
bloofyc: so. it's on the top floor of this small-ish building near the Division stop on the Blue Line.
bloofyc: not on the main drag, but a block in from the main drag, so it's a quiet street but still close to all that stuff.
meilingatha: perfect!
bloofyc: so you go up the stairs from the front door and hit our door at the end.
meilingatha: HAHAH
bloofyc: on the left, a bathroom, and two bedrooms, with a big entry closet.
meilingatha: ooooh
bloofyc: straight ahead, a galley kitchen, with GRANITE counter tops and a BRAND NEW DISHWASHER and very nice cabinetry and fridge and GAS stove.
bloofyc: the right wall is the outside wall.
bloofyc: pretty window.
bloofyc: you go through the kitchen to get to the living room/dining room area.
bloofyc: it's definitely big enough to do both at once.
bloofyc: and then off of that, we have a back deck!
meilingatha: AHHHHHHH
meilingatha: droool
meilingatha: can i move in too?
meilingatha: it sounds sick!
meilingatha: haha
bloofyc: the guys were in there painting and installing new fixtures and a cabinet over the toilet while we were looking around.
meilingatha: how much is it gonna kill you to have that?
bloofyc: it's freaking great.
meilingatha: HAHAH
meilingatha: granite! gas!
bloofyc: well, it's at the upper limit of what we were willing to pay, $1400.
meilingatha: jeez!
meilingatha: llivin the life you are
meilingatha: each?
bloofyc: but, given all these great things, and how close it is to the important stuff, i.e. in walking distance.
bloofyc: no no no!
meilingatha: haha
bloofyc: total. $700 each.
bloofyc: whew.
meilingatha: TOTAL?
bloofyc: holy god, woman.
meilingatha: god!
meilingatha: haha thats great
meilingatha: gotta remember i am looking in new york
bloofyc: so we're about 20 minutes away from downtown on the el.
bloofyc: heh.
bloofyc: yeah, that's true.
bloofyc: ugh.
meilingatha: lol between that and 5 years of lalala in college i am never gonna have a good idea of how much things should really cost:-P
bloofyc: hehehe
meilingatha: its sounds superfantastic!
meilingatha: i hope you get it!
bloofyc: it is superfantastic!
bloofyc: I hope so, too.
bloofyc: we bought a pitcher already.
bloofyc: and trivets.
meilingatha: HAHAHHA
bloofyc: =)
meilingatha: love it
meilingatha: the most vital things by far
meilingatha: while in chicago or in pgh?
bloofyc: while in chicago. it's visiting steen's bro's apartment while we're waiting to move in.
bloofyc: it's an adorable red fiestaware pitcher.
bloofyc: all roundy and cute.
meilingatha: hahaha
meilingatha: as fiestaware likes to be
bloofyc: yep yep
meilingatha: shoudl look pretty on granite
bloofyc: and we got nifty trivets, too!
meilingatha: is it dark?what color granite
meilingatha: haha
meilingatha: only in our world woudl tha tbe a normal question
bloofyc: they're made of squares of tin ceiling tile, on cork squares.
meilingatha: does your counter match your pitcher HAHAH
meilingatha: OOOOOH
bloofyc: the granite is a dark color... I think it's green.
meilingatha: that sounds supercool
bloofyc: it IS supercool.
bloofyc: and kitchy, but in a good way.
meilingatha: hehe corky trivets
bloofyc: aye!
bloofyc: with tin!
meilingatha: life needs a little kitch to round it out
bloofyc: totally.
meilingatha: hehe
bloofyc: the living/dining room is very sunny, so I think the pitcher will be happy in there.
meilingatha: where did you find such trivets?
meilingatha: wooo!
meilingatha: hahaha
meilingatha: i cant wait to come visit already
meilingatha: hahah
bloofyc: there was a little housewears and furniture shoppy place on milwaukee that had mostly latin kinda stuff.
bloofyc: they had a giant pineapple urn that I hugged.
bloofyc: it was huge and wonderful.
meilingatha: i love hugging pineapples
bloofyc: it was gigantic. I bet if the opening were big enough you would be able to fit inside it.
meilingatha: HAHHAHA
meilingatha: dude you need that
bloofyc: I do, but it's like a million dollars.
bloofyc: I'd have to sell a kidney or something.
meilingatha: hm
meilingatha: that makes it difficult
bloofyc: I need my kidneys.
meilingatha: i kninda like having kidneys
bloofyc: yeah, me too.
meilingatha: perhaps the pineapple will come find you
bloofyc: we're not far away.
meilingatha: cos it will want in on your gorgeous apt so bad
bloofyc: hehehe
bloofyc: we will lure it in!
bloofyc: what do pineapples like that I could use as bait?
meilingatha: marshmallows
bloofyc: ooh.
meilingatha: i thnk they rather like those
meilingatha: it makes them feel fancy when they wear them
bloofyc: if I were a pineapple, I think I'd like those.
bloofyc: maybe I should disguise my apartment as a pizza?
bloofyc: or a ham?
meilingatha: decadent little creatures, those pineapples
bloofyc: hehe
meilingatha: ooh
meilingatha: that coudl work
meilingatha: but i might eat your apt before the pineapple has a chance to see
meilingatha: HAHAHAHA
meilingatha: PORK BUTT CHUNKS
meilingatha: :-)
meilingatha: dont ask
bloofyc: hehehe, I don't need to.
bloofyc: =)
bloofyc: it's funny all by itself.
meilingatha: you see, there was this box of clementines
meilingatha: and then there was a sticker
meilingatha: and then there was a confused cashier
bloofyc: I like where this is going.
meilingatha: at anyrate hmart labels whatever cut of meat tha tis as pork butt
meilingatha: we wanted teh sticker so we stuck it on the bottom of the box to smuggle it
meilingatha: unfortunately that is where they scan those suckers
meilingatha: she did it and ti came up liek that several timesw and was quite confused
bloofyc: hahahahaha
bloofyc: oh man.
meilingatha: so she hollered superloud to the other cahsier pork butt chunks!
meilingatha: it keeps coming up as pork butt chunk!
bloofyc: next time wear your pork butt chunks sticker with pride on your shirt!
bloofyc: hahahahahaha
meilingatha: we didnt ahv ethe heart ttell her cos we were selfish and wanted the sticker so bad
meilingatha: HAHAH
meilingatha: totally!
bloofyc: next time you need to go to the grocery store, I'm totally coming with you.
meilingatha: i was thinkin refrigerator magnet
bloofyc: hah, excellent.
bloofyc: dan did something like that last year... he made a sticker at wegmans of truffles because it was the most expensive thing he could find, and put it on his shirt.
meilingatha: HAHA
meilingatha: yes!
meilingatha: he had it up in studio
meilingatha: i forget how or where
meilingatha: but iremeber it
bloofyc: you should do a whole series of magnets!
meilingatha: HAHAHA
meilingatha: yes!
meilingatha: i should make it silk screend onna tshirt too
meilingatha: life size
meilingatha: goes weill with my price tag one
meilingatha: hehee
bloofyc: hah, I want one of them, too.
meilingatha: it coudl be a collaborative project!
meilingatha: me and dano
meilingatha: haha
meilingatha: yes!
bloofyc: woot!
meilingatha: you and me will hav ethe same wardrobe if i get my act together
meilingatha: hahaa
bloofyc: it will be genius.
meilingatha: hehe
meilingatha: so you get to heckle p+w soon?
bloofyc: I'll call them on monday
bloofyc: I get to heckle 42|40 for a few days, until they call me back.
meilingatha: hehe
meilingatha: they sound hip what do they do>?
meilingatha: so do you do that for several days straight?
bloofyc: they do sustainable stuff, and their main office is in Denver. they do lots of ski resort thingies, too.
bloofyc: yeah, I get to do that, and hunt down any other firms I might be interested in and call them and pester them, too.
meilingatha: hheeh
meilingatha: i gotta go visit the main office ...for a few days..BYE!
bloofyc: hehehe
meilingatha: your cool hat flapping in the wind behind you
bloofyc: totally.
meilingatha: it will be greatz1
meilingatha: haha
bloofyc: I shall bring my newly-acquired snowboard.
bloofyc: for "site visits"
meilingatha: yea i feel like i gotta amped up effort of attact
meilingatha: HAHAHA
meilingatha: yes!
meilingatha: it will be a part of the work uniform
bloofyc: hoo boy, that would rule.
meilingatha: every morn briefcase, snowboard, dress shoes cheeck
meilingatha: hahaa
bloofyc: as long as I wouldn't kill myself. the Rockies are a lot scarier than the Appalacians.
meilingatha: down teh street from teh wines is a snow boardign shop
meilingatha: HAHA
meilingatha: are tehy?
meilingatha: but they have mor esnow
bloofyc: they have more snow but they're like ten times bigger.
meilingatha: it coudltn hurt as much as tussey
meilingatha: haha
meilingatha: or at least not in the same ways
meilingatha: lol
bloofyc: it wouldn't be as wet, but you'd be more likely to get caught in an avalanche or something.
meilingatha: cool!
meilingatha: that woudl be bad
bloofyc: cool, except for the death part.
meilingatha: exactly
meilingatha: if i coudl be in an avalanche in a easily retrievable hamsterball thingy that woudl be the greatest
bloofyc: hahahaha
bloofyc: I think I'd probably puke from being turned around so much.
meilingatha: HHAAH
meilingatha: mebbe it coudl be a tethered hamster ball
meilingatha: so you can kind just get jostled a bit and see it happening around ou
bloofyc: hmm.
meilingatha: i could see a market for this
meilingatha: pay to go be in an avalanche
bloofyc: hehehe
bloofyc: the next thrill seeking adventure.
meilingatha: i totally want th ejob of the avalanche maker
bloofyc: next up: hurricanes.
meilingatha: hwo cool woudl tha tbe
meilingatha: HAHAHHA
meilingatha: i dont like water so much
bloofyc: yeah, but other people might.
meilingatha: yesh
meilingatha: haha
bloofyc: I'd like you to be avalanche maker, too. you'd get to shout a lot.
meilingatha: we coudl get a whole crazy operation going on this
meilingatha: HAHA
meilingatha: sweet!
bloofyc: and stomp around or something.
meilingatha: cause avalanche get hot chocolate, call it a day
bloofyc: you could yodel!!
meilingatha: hahaha
meilingatha: YES!
meilingatha: so many options!
bloofyc: this is clearly brilliant.
meilingatha: hahaha
meilingatha: now all we gotta do is get a backer
bloofyc: we'll ask James.
meilingatha: YES!
bloofyc: maybe he knows someone.
meilingatha: i could see him loving it
meilingatha: in theory at least
bloofyc: in theory, yes.
meilingatha: mebbe if we sweeten the deal and promise he can make an avalanche too
bloofyc: but there's no sex involved yet.
meilingatha: hahaha
meilingatha: too true
bloofyc: somehow we have to bring in nudity or something.
meilingatha: you coudl be naked in the hamster ball
meilingatha: it could be an avalanche hotel
bloofyc: it'd be cold, though, wouldn't it?
bloofyc: hm
bloofyc: maybe if it were like a snow bath like the russians and scandinavians do it, with the sauna first.
meilingatha: hmmm
meilingatha: that woudl be nice
meilingatha: and involve lots of nudity
meilingatha: i think james is in the bag for this one
bloofyc: hahaha
meilingatha: it was just too funny that kao's office's windows look into the wines apt
meilingatha: those crazy winesz
meilingatha: i think i might miss them
bloofyc: gah, there's a concept not worth thinking about.
meilingatha: hahahah
meilingatha: i wonder what they are like in nyc?
meilingatha: do they go out lots>?
meilingatha: so weird
bloofyc: the same, only more so, I think.
bloofyc: probably.
meilingatha: stalk them in their natural habitat
meilingatha: haha
meilingatha: so weird!@
meilingatha: they prolly have more of a social life than i ever did in college
meilingatha: hahaa
bloofyc: oh, shoot. there was a painting I saw at the art institute that totally made me think of kriz, but now I don't remember the name of it.
bloofyc: darn.
meilingatha: haha
meilingatha: aw man
meilingatha: did youget to do lotsa fun things while there?
bloofyc: I went to a concert for the Fiery Furnaces, that was cool.
meilingatha: oh yea>
bloofyc: and I walked everywhere. I spent a good four hours in the art institute museum.
meilingatha: i amnot familiar whti them
meilingatha: ooooh
meilingatha: haha
bloofyc: they're fun, and very weird.
meilingatha: oh?
bloofyc: weird the way architecture in helsinki is weird, but less happy and pop-y
bloofyc: and more atonal in places, too.
meilingatha: haha
bloofyc: I got two of their albums from the carnegie mellon architecture computer lab.
bloofyc: =)
meilingatha: HAHAH
meilingatha: awesome!
bloofyc: yep yep!
meilingatha: i dont knwo how tha tworks
bloofyc: so now I have three altogether, since I bought another at the concert.
meilingatha: but cool?
meilingatha: fancy
bloofyc: well, I wasn't supposed to be using that place, but my mom's friend knows the IT guy.
bloofyc: and he was really nice about letting me use the macs.
meilingatha: are they out and out depressing or is arch in hels jyst ridic happy comapratively
meilingatha: aww
meilingatha: haha
meilingatha: cool
meilingatha: on the connections
meilingatha: why did you need to use it anyway?>
bloofyc: they aren't depressing at all, just louder and more wild and maybe a little angrier.
bloofyc: I was using it because I don't have a mac at home, and the macs in the lab have the adobe suite.
bloofyc: so this was for work samples and portfolio stuff.
bloofyc: since I've got my hard drive, it wasn't too hard.
meilingatha: hehe
meilingatha: good!
bloofyc: yep!
meilingatha: so do you have a gorgeeeous folio?
bloofyc: I took a bunch of other things, too.
bloofyc: no, not really.
bloofyc: I wasted a lot of time messing around with the music.
bloofyc: also, their macs are G4s, so it was a lot slower.
meilingatha: oue
meilingatha: hahah we win!
meilingatha: :-P
bloofyc: we so do.
bloofyc: apparently they're really big on autocad at CMU.
bloofyc: boo hiss.
meilingatha: oh yea?
meilingatha: hmph
meilingatha: its hurting me more than it should, no tknowing
bloofyc: about your firmy firms?
meilingatha: yea
bloofyc: how did your meetings go?
meilingatha: haha
meilingatha: good!
meilingatha: the one at kao's office was fun
meilingatha: cos it was pretty much just chatting with kao and his one coworker
bloofyc: sweet
bloofyc: did you wow them with your googly eyes?
meilingatha: the other one i was dissapointed in co sthey woudl so underwork me
meilingatha: if i were hired there it woudl be replacing an intern
bloofyc: oh, blargh.
meilingatha: doing lots of models and "learning skills slowly"
bloofyc: super blargh.
meilingatha: lol i like modeling
bloofyc: did you ask them about IDP stuff?
meilingatha: it wasnt a good interview at all in that sens
meilingatha: e
meilingatha: i didnt really get to ask question
meilingatha: s
bloofyc: oh, geez.
meilingatha: didnt even reallyl take me around to see the frim
bloofyc: that's no good.
meilingatha: so i was like uhh no, i m so much better than that
bloofyc: that's strange, actually.
bloofyc: yeah, def.
bloofyc: don't want to work where they're antisocial to their hires.
meilingatha: lol its superimportant to mme to hav ea good environment and good work
bloofyc: well, duh.
bloofyc: you're going to be the one in this job for the next however many years.
bloofyc: no reason to work for a lousy place when everybody is hiring right now.
meilingatha: yea
meilingatha: totally
meilingatha: i need to go get aggressive on them suckers tho
bloofyc: aye.
bloofyc: call them every day!
bloofyc: like meeeeee
meilingatha: haha ok!
meilingatha: i was gonna go up and heckle in person tomorrow
bloofyc: hehehe
meilingatha: but if i go next week my momma can go too
bloofyc: brilliant!
meilingatha: and she wants to go to ncy
bloofyc: take mom with you, and make her heckle!
bloofyc: moms are scarier.
meilingatha: i worry that it will be too late
meilingatha: haha
meilingatha: one week all teh difference?
meilingatha: who knows
bloofyc: you should call them this week, and then if they don't do anything, take yer mom up next week.
meilingatha: haha mmkay
meilingatha: i shall
meilingatha: i called them last week and coudlnt get a person
meilingatha: perhaps i shoudl call them again this week
meilingatha: the firm i think i reallly want is sorta multidisciplinary
bloofyc: that's coo.
meilingatha: as indabbling in product design too
bloofyc: you should call them all the time.
meilingatha: so it woudl be perfect!
bloofyc: leave a message every day until you get a person.
bloofyc: maybe you could leave a message with a different person every day, and then everybody will be talking about you.
bloofyc: =)
meilingatha: i was thinking of getting together a non arch sample to furhter bombard them with stuff
meilingatha: HAHAHA
meilingatha: goodness
bloofyc: you must be sneaky and relentless!
meilingatha: and they do post all the members in their firm
bloofyc: you see?
bloofyc: they want you to call everybody.
meilingatha: HAHAHA
meilingatha: chat up so many ppl in the firm and become friends that they petitiion to hire me
meilingatha: sweet!
bloofyc: absolutelyl
bloofyc: they'll chant your name!
meilingatha: hahaha
meilingatha: i wanna go drop in tomorrow
meilingatha: but that is tiring
bloofyc: so just call tomorrow, and maybe you can talk to a real person.
bloofyc: and next week, you can get your mom to carry you if you're still tired.
bloofyc: or push you in a cart.
meilingatha: lol
meilingatha: HAHHA
meilingatha: aww that will be reallly good for convincing them to hire me
meilingatha: have my poor mother pushing me in a cart to heckle them
bloofyc: hehehe
bloofyc: lol.
bloofyc: wow, this is a great idea.
bloofyc: I'm sure your mom would love it, too
meilingatha: HAHHAHA
meilingatha: push faster mom it's hot ouside
bloofyc: hahaha
meilingatha: whee!
meilingatha: so if you gots this apt when do you move?
bloofyc: we move august 1st. that's when the lease starts.
bloofyc: assuming we gots it.
meilingatha: hehe
meilingatha: when do you finds out?
bloofyc: in a week or two, I hope.
bloofyc: I'm going to call mr. apartment rental man next week when I call perkins and will and see what's up.
meilingatha: yesh!
meilingatha: heckle !
meilingatha: haha
meilingatha: our new motto in life
bloofyc: hehehe
meilingatha: im helping my friend pick tattoos!
meilingatha: lol googling doves
bloofyc: hooray!
bloofyc: hehehe
bloofyc: your friend needs doves with googly eyes.
bloofyc: or just plain old googly eyes somewhere.
bloofyc: that would be the greatest tattoo ever.
meilingatha: HAHHAHA
meilingatha: if you could get them to google it woudl be great
meilingatha: mebbeit s better suited as an implant type thing
meilingatha: get googly eyes implanted on your arm
meilingatha: haha
bloofyc: holy shit.
bloofyc: you could shake your arm and the googly bits would move!
bloofyc: hahahaha
meilingatha: HAHA YES!
meilingatha: get one in place of a watch
bloofyc: oh man, I'd never have to do anything else.
bloofyc: I'd just shake my arm all the time.
bloofyc: it'd be so toned!
meilingatha: hahaha dude@
meilingatha: it woudl be great
meilingatha: we may need to own googly eye bracelets
bloofyc: hahaha
bloofyc: make it so!
meilingatha: watchband style cos it has to be on tight to googly properly
meilingatha: HAHA
bloofyc: brb
bloofyc: and I'm back.
meilingatha: woot!
meilingatha: im thinking about going to bed however
bloofyc: okie
meilingatha: still ridculously tempted to run off to nyc tomorrow
meilingatha: see if i wake uyp
meilingatha: haha
bloofyc: I'm probably going to head off myself in a little bit.
meilingatha: :-)
meilingatha: goodnight then!
bloofyc: night!
meilingatha signed off at 12:25:40 AM.

funny stuff, conversations

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