Jun 20, 2009 08:25
Hit the Farmer's Market this morning. 4 great huge tomatoes. Yum. Fine, they're greenhouse tomoatoes. Better than none!
Got a nice big head of brocolli...will take that to my sister's. She is making noises about planting out some in her garden. She loves brocolli--never ate it as a kid. Has never grown any and has never had any that was other than frozen. Trying to convince her that frozen and fresh is the same thing...save for the frozen part.
Got a bag of fresh radishes too. Yummy. They're really strong. And some sugar snap peas. I eat those just raw. Yummy yum!
Love the Farmer's Market. Mind, the one here is not as good as the one in Quincy. But then, bigger town, bigger area to draw from. They have one in the middle of town in the middle of the week too. Not that I go cos I work that day.
Got my car cleaned out on the inside. Got Glenda's birthday present in it. Will try to remember to give it to her when I see her. Remembered to give MizzLizz her prednisone. She usually eats everything in site the day after taking that. So good, cos she needs to gain a bit more weight.