Popoki is really picking up, cripes. 4,900 hits so far, and I've no idea how. What the fuck? I'm trying to figure this out.
We started a store at Cafepress.com, and Eric bought me and himself a T-Shirt to advertise. The Warchive is nowhere near done, because Josh has 16 albums to make pages for, still.
Okay, now back to personal stuff, since that's all LiveJournal is techinically about.
I went to Kathleen's (Lauren's little dumb sister) play tonight, to keep Lauren company; but mostly to keep her from going insane. It's funny, because she didn't think I actually wanted to go, and now her parents are apparently smitten with the fact that I went through with it. It wasn't all that bad, outside of the fact that they turned Oliver Twist into a musical, and said musical was performed by Elementary School kids. The only good singer was the kid that played The Artful Dodger, Nathaniel Hendrix. After the play, we went to a Wine Bar and Grill and had some Table-top s'mores. Now I'm back home and I'm feelin' pretty good. That's about it.
Thanks, LiveJournal.
Edit: Also Lauren is really cool.