Here are the banners for July 2010. Congratulations, winners! I hope you like your banners. Please contact me if you'd like anything changed.
Best Miroku/Sango Artwork
Best Portrait: Miroku
Best Portrait: Sango
Best Drabble
Best One-Shot
Best Multi-Chaptered Fic
Best AU
Best Canon
Best Character Portrayal: Miroku
Best Character Portrayal: Sango
Best Comedy
Best Darkfic/Angst
Best Drama
Best Lemon
Best Romance
Hidden Treasures
A brief announcement:
This will be my final term as a moderator and banner-maker of this group. If you are interested in taking over for me in one or both of these capacities, please send me a private message or email me at lady[dot]griddlebone[at]yahoo[dot]com. If there are no takers, I will simply close the community.
Thank you to everyone who has helped make this group a success!