July 2009 Banners

Aug 10, 2009 20:58

Congratulations to all the winners of our July 2009 term! Your banners, all 58 of them, are done and ready for pickup!

Note: I am having some difficulty getting all the images to load on my end. I'm not sure if this is a problem with my connection or with photobucket, but if you have an issue with viewing them, all of the banners can be found here.

Art Awards

Best Miroku/Sango Artwork

Best Portrait: Miroku

Best Portrait: Sango

Fiction Awards

Best Drabble

Best One-Shot

Best Multi-Chaptered Work

Best AU

Best Canon

Best Character Portrayal: Miroku

Best Character Portrayal: Sango

Best Comedy

Best Darkfic/Angst

Best Drama

Best Lemon

Best Romance

Hidden Treasure Awards



And, in case you missed it, the nominee banner is here:

july 2009

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