Title: It Begins…
Author: psyco_chick32
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama
Word Count: 250 exactly
Universe: “Eight-Fold Path”, a post-canon serial
Summary: An uneasy peace comes to an end.
The sudden sound silenced the children’s laughter, the calm conversation between Sango, Miroku, InuYasha and Kagome.
InuYasha’s ears twitched, turning toward the noise. It echoed through the trees before ringing out again, again, and a fourth time.
Kagome’s eyes were wide. InuYasha’s nose worked overtime; Miroku went deathly still.
Sango turned to her husband. “Miroku? Do you know what made that noise?”
Miroku’s thoughts flitted back to a crazed zombie, intent on sex and death in whichever order… Miroku shuddered, dislodging Sango’s hand from his shoulder. She looked on questioningly. “Miroku! What was that?”
“Guns,” Kagome responded.
“Soldiers tried to use them on Jakotsu,” Miroku informed Sango; she’d been chasing her brother at the time.
Sango suddenly recalled the sight of them from when a patrol of men stopped by the village to have Kaede look at an injury. One had ignited and torn skin from a man’s hand. She’d never seen one before; taijiya used traditional weapons.
“Who'd be shooting... guns here?” Sango asked, beckoning her children inside. Kagome held her daughter close; InuYasha and Miroku stood protectively in front of the women, tense for conflict.
Miroku shifted uneasily, “I’ve heard of a recent outbreak of violence against youkai. Our village welcomes Shippou…”
Kagome and InuYasha retreated to their hut. Sango wrapped her arms around Miroku.
“We’ll be safe, won’t we?” She didn’t give him a chance to respond before laying moving closer. “We won’t let anything happen to them… I won’t let you leave me.”