Title: The Good Husband Author: LuxKen27 Universe: Canon Genre: Romance (of the fluff variety) Rating: T Word Length: 250 Summary: A moment of reflection for brand new parents - and survivors.
Amazing, Miroku is actually considerate in this drabble. Helping out with the children. Something I would not expect from him. Miroku's last statement has a double meaning. He could mean both things.
I must admit I squeed. I love post-canon, married Mir/San. :D A nice glimpse into their early marriage. I imagine having twins was a surprise for them (though it'll help them reach the 10-20 mark that much faster!).
Anyway, it's nice to see their teamwork extending off the battlefield and into domestic life. Makes child-rearing that much easier when there's someone to help with the load. :)
LOL, what's up with that?! You writing angst and me writing fluff? Can we switch back now please? :P
Glad you enjoyed this ~ I put them through so much when I set out to write them into a multichapter fic, that its only fair I let them have their moments of romantic, lovey fluff in the shorter pieces. Besides, I needed some fluff. Its been a rough week.
That's what I keep telling Yumi. Though apparently now you've stolen the fluff from BOTH of us. I'd like it back now please! All this angst is depressing me.
I'm firmly convinced Miroku would make a great father, especially for his time. (Seriously, if the guy is willing to help out with laundry, I daresay he's going to be involved with the kids.) But I'm sorry to hear it's been a rough week! Hopefully this one is better! And has lots of fluff to help cheer you up! :D
LOL, you guys can have it! *grabby hands for teh angsties*
I'm firmly convinced Miroku would make a great father, especially for his time.
So am I. For as lecherous and manipulative as he is, I think he would settle down quite well, especially with Sango. He's a good man underneath all of that anyway, he just didn't have as much opportunity to let it shine through before he met up with the Inutachi :P
But I'm sorry to hear it's been a rough week! Hopefully this one is better!
Well, it can't be much worse, so *shrug* But thanks! I welcome the fluff, LOL :P
Yay, fluff! *huggles it* This is incredibly sweet - Miroku being the perfect father. And the ending lines <3
The thing I like most about post-canon fics is the sense of family that is conveyed by them; especially considering their tragic pasts. You capture this so neatly here :D
*scrolls down comment page*
... I have to agree, this is weird... you writing fluff, me and aamalie writing angst =P.
Thanks! =) Its fun to explore their post-canon lives, since we had glimpses into it in the final chapter. And, come on, Miroku is adorable when he's holding a baby ;)
Glad you enjoyed! You can have the fluff bunnies back now...my MiroSanta assignment is demanding angst and citrus...
yumi_michiyo summed my feelings up just about perfectly. This is a wonderful little snippet of fluff. :D I really do think Miroku would be a wonderful father, if he had a chance.
Thanks! =) I think fatherhood is one of the ways Miroku could prove his maturity, you know? He went through too much to get to that point to just drop the ball.
Comments 14
Anyway, it's nice to see their teamwork extending off the battlefield and into domestic life. Makes child-rearing that much easier when there's someone to help with the load. :)
Glad you enjoyed this ~ I put them through so much when I set out to write them into a multichapter fic, that its only fair I let them have their moments of romantic, lovey fluff in the shorter pieces. Besides, I needed some fluff. Its been a rough week.
I'm firmly convinced Miroku would make a great father, especially for his time. (Seriously, if the guy is willing to help out with laundry, I daresay he's going to be involved with the kids.) But I'm sorry to hear it's been a rough week! Hopefully this one is better! And has lots of fluff to help cheer you up! :D
I'm firmly convinced Miroku would make a great father, especially for his time.
So am I. For as lecherous and manipulative as he is, I think he would settle down quite well, especially with Sango. He's a good man underneath all of that anyway, he just didn't have as much opportunity to let it shine through before he met up with the Inutachi :P
But I'm sorry to hear it's been a rough week! Hopefully this one is better!
Well, it can't be much worse, so *shrug* But thanks! I welcome the fluff, LOL :P
The thing I like most about post-canon fics is the sense of family that is conveyed by them; especially considering their tragic pasts. You capture this so neatly here :D
*scrolls down comment page*
... I have to agree, this is weird... you writing fluff, me and aamalie writing angst =P.
But I has my angst back now *grins*
Glad you enjoyed! You can have the fluff bunnies back now...my MiroSanta assignment is demanding angst and citrus...
It had to be so difficult for Sango to go from warrior to mother - this is a nice look at them. Happy, but adjusting.
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