Prompt 1 - Change

Mar 06, 2009 13:47

Title: Changes
Author: browneyedmami
Rating: G
Word Count: 351
Summary: Sango reflects on the changes in her life

As I lay here in my hut in one of my few private moments I think on how my life has changed. I used to be a daughter, sister and demon slayer. Now I am still all three of those, but also a mother and wife, and those two are now the priority.

A part of me misses the adventures I used to have with our group, but I wouldn’t go back at all. We all had some good times, but we also shed blood and tears, and I certainly am through with that aspect of my life. Sometimes I might throw on the slayers outfit and help out Miroku with lesser demons and other small issues, but you won’t find me taking up any more major battles. I have my family to think of.

It’s all so surreal. One day I was a daughter, and the next my father was killed and my brother enslaved. I think I got my motherly instincts from caring for Kohaku so much. Even now, I sometimes find myself worrying over him and babying him. To see him grown up and courting girls is just beyond me.

Joining Inuyasha’s group was an experience I will never forget. I gained lifetime friends and was able to finally discover who I was as a person and grow from that.

Miroku was a blessing in disguise. At first, he was nothing more than a traveling companion helping out with our journey to find the jewel shards. As time went on though, with each glance, and even each grope, I found myself falling for him, and somehow I guess he fell for me two. And look, now we are married with three wonderful children.

There are days when the children don’t cooperate or Miroku infuriates me, but for every hard time, theres tons of good times that make up for them.

So when someone asks if I would change anything about my life, I’d have to say no because even though it was hard to achieve, I think I deserve it and won’t give it up for a thing.

length - drabble, author: browneyedmami, #01 - change

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