Prompt #74 Reflection

Feb 13, 2012 01:31

Title: The Holy Firefly
Author: howlingowl
Word Count: 429
Warnings: None
Rating: K
Prompt: Reflection
Characters: Sango, mention of Miroku and Kagome
Summary: Realization hits like a tidal wave.

The darkness in her eyes faded, leaving behind a flustered blush ingrained to her pallid skin. She was unsure, resistant to his whims, leaving her confused. Trembling nerves made her legs feel as though they were constructed of parchment.
She was bending to him. That damned houshi had gotten the better of her without knowing. Every time she looked at him, her heart felt as though it would seize, leaving her body to the debauchery of his hands.
How had she been so blind? He had crept into her heart without the slightest acknowledgement.
A sigh escaped her, letting his name flutter on the edge of her lips. "Miroku..." She whispered, brushing her lithe fingers through her wet hair. She had let the honorifics slide, letting the smooth syllables create a symphony.
As she laid upon the river bank, lazily draping her hair into the water, she cleansed the impurities from her thoughts. Kagome-chan had seen her caving like the land after an earthquake, after all of this time. She'd seen it in her eyes, leaving the taijiya in such blatant denial so many times.
The woman's jaw clenched as she thought of Miroku, teasing and playfully chiding with the young women from the villages. Her body tensed beneath the thought of him touching another woman.
A glower settled over her face, tarnishing her with a lacquered sadness, that wouldn't come clean. "I love him." Her voice strangled, finding the warmth of the afternoon to smother her beneath her own heat.
She couldn't. She wouldn't. No, it wasn't possible for her to love. She had lost the world, and was fighting to keep the one part of herself intact. Moisture creased at her eyes, feeling the wave of realization hit her like a tidal wave.
There was no going back, she acknowledged. For a moment, she laid her head across her arms, drenched from the river water. Her reflection peered back at her with vigor, seeing through her very center.
If she was to defeat Naraku, to reclaim what was hers, she would have to suppress these feelings. It was the only way. Raising to sit, she inhaled the sweetness of the afternoon. She was a fighter, she struggled, was fearless...
How did this one man make her feel as though she was a child chasing after a firefly? A bittersweet smile spread across her face. If nothing else, she could stand by his side until the end and hold her head high.
No matter the chosen path, she would protect him, and free him from evil's tangled web.

howlingowl, #74 - reflection

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