Prompt 74 Reflection

Feb 08, 2012 15:08

Title Reflections of the Way Life Used to Be
Author landofthekwt
Rating K
Prompt Reflection (miroku/Sango Fic)
Word Count 865
Warning none
Summary Sango reflects on what her children have become
A/N Last prompt for Miroku/Sango Fiction LJ . A good ride. Thanks to all who modded, wrote or participated in the prompt. My 100th entry in Hiraikotsu and Kazaana on ffnet

Sango looked around. Her young ones were nowhere to be seen. Not good. They were supposed to be watching their brother while she took care of the young one now sleeping on her back.

Miroku was out on the road with Inuyasha raising money to fund his ten or twenty children. They
had already made a good start.

She was sure that as soon as the youngest was weaned, Miroku would return to his old habits. Two years from now she would be in the same position she was now only with five children to look after instead of four.

She was glad that he had given her some respite after number three. It allowed her to spend more time with Kagome renewing their friendship after three long years.

There was so much that she had learned in those three years that she could pass on to Kagome. She had been in the dark about so many things. Kaede and Rin tried to help, but they had never had children.

Only when Kagome had become pregnant with her first did Miroku start pushing for a fourth child interest. It was almost as he was competing with Inuyasha to see who could produce the most children.

Sharing pregnancy with Kagome had been fun. They went through all the ups and downs together. Kagome had been so helpful in caring for her young ones.

The girls in particular had latched onto her. Kagome might not provide the entertainment that Inuyasha and Shippou did, but she appreciated the girls in ways that the boys would never understand.

Today Kagome had been busy collecting herbs with Rin for Kaede who was busy elsewhere. Shippou had been at the kitsune inn taking exams. The girls might only be five but they were already as mature as she and Kohaku had been at that age.

Kohaku She sighed wistfully. Since he had gone off on his own his mission to become a taijijya she had seen little of either her brother or Kirara. She missed them both terribly.

She wandered toward the edge of the forest. Surely, they knew better than to go into the forest. The aura still shone brightly for all that could detect it

They had not gone in. Her skills had not eroded to the point that she could not track two girls and a little boy.

They seemed to be following him. Staying just out range. Someone was teaching them the old skills.

She had thought them too young to learn such things, but Kohaku had disagreed. After his own experience with Naraku he had arugued that they were never too young to learn.

If Father and Sango had not insisted that he learn to be taijijya he would not have known how to survive on his own. Sango had to admit that he was now as good as he had ever been.

Following the trail, she came to the stream. Her boy was sitting under a tree meditating. So cute
The girls had dressed him just like Miroku.  He looked like a miniature copy of his father.

Sango watched her boy for a moment. As long as he was safe, she hesitated to disturb his mediation.  Now where were those girls?

She noticed movement in the bushes next to stream. Why had she forgotten to bring Hiraikotsu? She did not even have her sword to defend herself.

Her uniform was still back in the hut.  She still had several pounds of baby fat to lose before she could fit into it easily. Miroku endlessly teased her about it until one day she had taken Hiraikotsu to him.

She was stirred from her reverie by rustling in the bushes. Moving toward her son, she broke into open just as her daughters emerged from shadows whooping and hollering.

Her son just had time to raise his staff before they pounced on him. Sango moved to intervene when all hell broke lose.

Shippou appeared out of thin air, a leave still attached to his head  Kirara swooped down from the treetops with Kohaku on her back sickle chain in hand.

The girls seemed oblivious to what was going on around them. They soon had the boy down on the ground tickling them until he yielded.Sango pulled the two girls off the giggling boy and demanded an explanation.

It was only then that she realized that her girls were dressed as taijijya. Kohaku had been secretly training the girls behind her back.

Babysitting had been a good excuse for a test of their skills. Shippou, Kohaku and Kirara had been watching them all the time.They were never in any danger.

Sango herded her troops back home where she fed an eager group. All were properly contrite after a proper scolding.

Looking back, Sango could laugh about it. The girls had looked so much like her in their demon slayer outfits.  Her son looked so much Miroku in his monk’s attire.

It was strange to miniature copies of herself and Miroku, but she should not have been surprised. Her own hero had been her father. The happiest days of her life when he had passed Hiraikotsu and Kirara to her

#74 - reflection, length - oneshot, author: landofthekwt

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