Title: Miroku the Magician
Author: PandaStarz
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor
Word Count: 100
Summary: Unlike most magicians, Miroku doesn’t pull rabbits out of hats.
Note: This is done in the second person, so don’t get confused. Miroku is talking to Sango.
Please, step right up! Men, women, children, women, all! For 1,000 yen, I’ll perform a magic trick, for 500 yen, I’ll play a trick, for 100 yen, I’ll trick you!
Ah, a beautiful woman! You offer 1,600 yen? Magical, indeed!
You know the routine: pick a card, set it back.
Miss, it was unnecessary to strike me! I fulfilled your request: the deck has disappeared - a magic trick. Here I hold your card - a trick. As the card was near your backside, I did not fondle you - because you thought otherwise, I have tricked you!
Truly a pleasure doing business.