Title Novice Monk
Author landofthekwt
Rating K
Prompt Novice (Miroku/Sango Fiction)
Word Count 250
Warning none
Summary Miroku reflects on St. Hakushin’s words
Novice monk,the saint had called him. He pretended that it did not hurt, but it did. He was trained to a point by Mushin, but they both knew that he would never be a monk who prayed in a temple. He had been taught what he needed to get by in the world.
A man of the open road. Haunted by a vision of his father disappearing into his own hand. Knowing as his father and grandfather had known that someday this would be his fate unless he found and killed Naraku.
They had searched for Naraku for fifty years. It was only now that the Jewel had reappeared that Naraku had openly appeared seeking the Jewel. He had thought to lure Naraku out of hiding by collecting the Sacred Jewel alone the task had been too daunting.
Now he had others with the same mission of destroying Naraku. Mostly he had Sango. They fought together. They lived together. In fact he could not think any more of living without Sango He would never leave her behind. They were more than just companions. She was the only woman for him.
Saint Hakusin might call him a novice monk, but he did not care. His being a monk had been an accident of birth. Mushin had turned him into a weapon to kill Naraku. Now. Now he had a greater purpose. He wanted to live with Sango. Nothing Not a saint and certainly not Naraku would stand in his way.