Prompt 65 Empty

Aug 27, 2011 12:14

Title My World Is Empty Without You
Author landofthekwt
Rating PG-13
Prompt Empty (Miroku/Sango Fics)
Word Count 415
Warning mention of sex
Summary Sango lives for Miroku’s return from the road

Keeping busy. That was the key. Never having time alone. Always on the go from the time she woke up in the morning until her head hit the
pillow after the day’s work was done.

No time to think about the fact that the love of her life was out on the road with Inuyasha exterminating youkai. If she did think about it would destroy her. He should be here with her not there

It was only after she became pregnant with the twins that her vocation had been chosen for her. Not that she resented it. She loved every minute of it.

It was the absence of Miroku she resented. The long empty hours at night thinking about him after the twins were asleep.

She slept with the twins because she could not bear the thought of sleeping in their bed without him. Being with them comforted her. It reminded her that she was not alone.

The villagers could all tell how long Miroku had been gone by her behavior. At first she would go on about her business as if nothing was amiss.

At the midpoint her home became a beehive of activity. Anything to take her mind off her husband who was far away from home.

When Miroku was expected home, she became anxious. The villagers jokingly called it her time of the month. She would sit by the door watching for him. Nights were spent staring into the fire.

When interrupted during this period she would snap at people. The villagers had learned to avoid her. Rin was especially helpful in caring for the twins at this time.

When he returned, she would act he had been down to the village to watch the women do laundry. Hugging the girls first, he knew that he would get her turn.

Miroku joked that coming home sex was the best. It reminded him why he loved her so much and why he would be lost if she was not at home waiting for him to return.

For her part all her anxiety faded after he returned. The girls were sent off with Rin and she and Miroku got busy making up for a month of loneliness.

In the morning her life returned to normal. Normal for having a husband at home whom she could touch and feel. She treasured every moment of their time together knowing that when he hit the road, her anxiety would reach epic proportions until he returned from the road again.

length - oneshot, winner, #65 - empty, author: landofthekwt

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