Bold Drabble - U No Can Has

Jun 12, 2011 11:17

Title: U No Can Has
Author: psyco_chick32
Rating: T
Genre: AU Comedic Romance
Word Count: 250 exactly
Universe: “Kismet”, a “Bitter”-universe offshoot
Summary: The pro-Sango/Miroku teams kicks off Phase 1

Miroku, Kagome, Shippou and I make a great team. Our plan was kinda bold. Maybe even a little evil. But I stole it from a Yellow Ranger friend of mine, so I know it has at least a 51-percent chance of working!

Miroku had been around for about four months. In that time, he’d started to make progress, with a little help from fate… the first time he was injured in battle, that bit of her that is who she used to be (wow, that’s a confusing sentence) piped up and hadn’t shut up since.

It’s just a tiny little voice, but still - entirely useful.

Miroku was a playboy. Oh, don’t get me wrong; he loved Sango from the moment he met her. But he’s always been used to a steady supply of willing women, and Sango wasn’t one.

So one weekend, we… well, “encouraged” him to go find a nice woman to spend an evening with. With his looks (“and charms,” he insisted), it wouldn’t take him long.

I knew things were looking up with a flustered Sango tugged me into her room, away from where I had been giving him clothing tips. “What are you doing?” she hissed angrily.

I put on my best innocent-face. “What do you mean?”

“I thought you wanted me to date him!”

“Yeah, but if you’re not going to, he deserves some fun at least, right?” I reasoned.

Sango’s face twitched as she tried to hide the fact that she was jealous.


author: psyco_chick32, winner, #60 - bold, length - drabble

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