Prompt #57: Warm

May 04, 2011 14:10

Title: Fever
Author: starzki 
Rating: K+
Genre: Comfort/Comedy
Word Count: 249
Summary: Suffering with fever, Miroku shows a little honesty.


Miroku’s forehead was too warm. Kagome left with Shippou and Inuyasha to seek the priestess in the nearby village while Sango was tasked with tending to Miroku as he endured his fitful sleep. Though Sango was wary of the monk she had met only months before, she was happy to help.

A few hours after the group left, Miroku suddenly awoke and stared around frantically.

“Houshi-sama, what is it?”

“What’s going on? Where is everyone? Who are you?” he asked.

“Don’t you remember, Houshi-sama? How bad are you feeling?” Sango was ready with a wet cloth and she pressed it to his head and eased him back down to a lying position.

“Mmm. That’s nice,” Miroku responded, calming down. “I’m so very tired.”

“Just sleep, then. Is there anything you need?”

Miroku closed his fever-bright eyes and sighed. “Do you know lovely Sango, the demon slayer?”

Nonplussed, Sango hesitated before answering, “Yes?”

“She’s beautiful, ne? I think she’s the one I’ve been waiting for. The one who will make me change my ways. I could easily fall for her.”

Sango felt shocked. “Oh?” was her only answer.

“Could you give her something for me?”

“Yes, Houshi-sama?” Sango answered, still blushing with embarrassment, happiness, and pride as she leaned over the sick monk. Then she felt the familiar hand caressing her bottom.

The next day, after the fever broke, Miroku absently wondered how his sickness could make his nose swell so much that it looked as though he’d been punched.


#57 - warm, winner, author: starzki, length - drabble

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