There's new mown hay by the roadside and straw bales piled up

Sep 12, 2009 18:31

September has come in with a bit of a bump. While the days are still warm and lovely, the nights and early mornings have that hint of crisp fall about them. The trees are starting to loose their leaves and the students have returned to Big Upper Mid-western U. Work got insanely busy right along side the first week of September and looks to stay that way until at least mid-October.

Somehow, amidst the turmoil, I managed to find time to buy a truck. A silver 1999 Nissan Frontier. With 4 wheel drive for when it snows.

Today, we hauled two inaugural loads of mulch from the city's free mulch pile. And now dinner is ready and I believe I'll have a beer.

cars, adventures in home ownership

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