take a drink from his special cup

Jan 25, 2009 22:33

For Christmas, my sister (revruru) got me some therapy. Fortunately it came bottled in 2007 vintage shiraz form, not Freud and a couch.

The label claims aromas of "violets, black berries, and cinnamon spice." I never got the violets or cinnamon, but would agree with the website's claim of black pepper. The website and bottle agree that this is supposed to be a full bodied wine (true) with black cherries and dusky oak. They differ on a white pepper note (website says yes; label ignores it) and whether it's coffee or espresso in complexity.

I did taste a hint of pepper and maybe just a little of the cinnamon that's supposed to be there in the smell. Like many shirazes, this was not the smoothest of wines. Not as harsh as some of the cheapest reds I've picked up, but still fairly heavy on the acid finish.

Overall, I'd say Therapy is pretty good. Might be a bit hard to find here in the States and I'd hope that it wasn't routinely going for the twenty-eight bucks they list on their website--$10 to $12 less would be about right in my part of the upper Mid-West.

you are the wine

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