The best things in life are free, but you can keep them for the birds and bees

Dec 31, 2008 22:35

December hasn't shaped up to be the cheapest month of 2008. First truepenny's computer started freezing and failing to power on in ways that said "dying motherboard" to me. Then I discovered that my computer had become a ticking time-bomb just waiting to overheat the processor and turn it into a pile of useless ash. One of the mounting points on the motherboard for the heatsink had broken, yes, broken, so the heatsink was being held on by thermal paste alone. Not good.

So, truepenny now has a shiny new Dell laptop...which spent most of today exhibiting signs of some sort of interference while connected to her spiffy 22" Dell flat panel. Thanks to my father, that particular problem has now been solved with a part we had lying around.

Speaking of parts, my computer problems will be all over (just starting) after the UPS guy brings me a box full of shiny new stuff on Friday. New motherboard, processor, ram, and (finally getting with the 21st century) DVDRW drive. The only question left is: Do I gut truepenny's pretty black Antec Sonata case to put this all in, or just stick with the old beige monster (also an Antec product, but lacking memorable name) I've been using since *mumblemumble*?

December hasn't been all about IT around here either. In keeping with the house theme, we did buy each other books. Rather a lot of books. We also--as is usual for us--bought other people books. This year we worked diligently to give books by people we know and mostly succeeded.

We gave heresluck the present we know she likes best--2 days of music at the Cafe Carpe.

For our respective sisters and their families, we donated to Heifer International, so Christmas was also about ducklings.

For the good of the world, we donated to Doctors Without Borders.

Because we both believe strongly that it's important that everyone be allowed to make their own choices about reproduction, we sent some cash Planned Parenthood's way.

For our 4 indoor cats and 3 outdoor, feral, visiting cats, and for our friends who recently had to put their kitten to sleep, our local humane society's Feline Friends fund got our last donation for 2008.

I may have to pack a few more PB&Js in my lunch a few more times a week this year to cover all of this, but it's worth it.
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