More Q&A

Mar 23, 2008 15:57

Want to do lunch or dinner near campus sometime?

Sure! I like lunch; I like dinner. There are plenty of fantastic places to get one or both around Big Upper Midwest State University's campus. Have your people call my people.*

Are you still practicing martial arts?

Not so much anymore. I discovered back in college that I wasn't really into the martial part any longer. So that leaves the art--philosophy, meditation, self-discipline--part of things, and finding instructors that are really good with that isn't easy. I may eventually get around to giving Tai Chi a try. Don't wait under water.

What's your best childhood memory?

For a number of reasons, including my own personality (brain does not seem to be wired for delivery of happy, rosy, childhood memories), I don't have a good answer for this question. I do remember family sailing trips with some fondness.

Overall, best possible thing about childhood? You're not stuck there.

If you got one 'do-over' in life, what would you do again?

There's more than one way to read this, so....

The "One decision do-over" reading: With just one possible decision from a lifetime of choices to do again (presumably so you can Choose Different), I'd choose to not pursue a Master's degree the way I did. What I got out of the way I did go about things was a mid-sized sedan worth of student loans, some interesting coursework, and an unfinished thesis. Instead of all that, I'd just take a couple of years off from school, try working for a living, and go back later if I still wanted to.

The "Well, this sucks, can't I just try again? Only I want to keep this bit here that doesn't suck, please!" reading: Basically this reading boils down to asking "What were the good bits in your life? Even with everything else being completely different, what would you keep the same?" And that's an easy question. If I cannot have plenty of truepenny in my do-over, I'll skip it, thanks just the same.

Are you aware that it's redacted birthdays this redacted? Google calendar would be better at these reminders than me.

Why, yes, I am. Thank you for the reminder, though. Google calendar is all spiffy-like, but the calendar software provided by Big Upper Midwest State U. is the one I look at all the time. These important dates are entered therein.

*I actually did contact the person who sent this question. We made plans for dinner. Then the plague struck BUMSU and everyone around me started turning into zombies.**

**Not really***

***Yes really!****

****Ok really it's just the last throws of the winter cold season...but I think I'll stock up on chainsaws and shotguns just in case.


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