(no subject)

Apr 22, 2005 21:44

today has officially sucked more that anything ever.

in total i have spent 7 hours at two different hair salons today and had my hair dyed over 4 times.

low lights.
hight lights.
base color.
color rinses.
low lights.
color coatings.


lets speak in fragments so i feel better about it.
hair apt at 11. go. want to get roots done. dont get roots done? instead get hair dyed orange? wtf. dont realize this till i get home. wtf. call back hairdresser, she left early. cry cry cry. for my hair is all orange. cept for the bottom layers which are high lighted really pretttttty. so. mom calls Rocs. go to Rocs. get hair rinse of Ash color. okay.....still got roots? so get low lights to blend. wtf, no work. get highlights. wtf. do both again plus more ash? now i have 499 colors in my hair and it looks fucking fake as shit. its better than my orange hair though. but i feel so ugly. i want to cry whenever i look in the mirror. and i feel so bad because my mom has spent well over $100 on my fugly hair today. i feel wicked bad.

so gross hair. fucken yay.

yeah so tried on my prom dress. i guess my shoes do match my dress, cool. but the chest of my dress is fucked up. SO tomorrow after drivers ed which ends at 1 then fuckin go to marlboro to the dress store and have those sons of bitches alter it. and then yay work from 3-10!

did i mention i didnt do my creative writing paper yet and im also working sunday 12-7?

and my BITCH drivers ed teacher is making me pay for the driving houes that i set up that SHE canceled bc i didnt bring in forms or soemthing? its her fault. that whore. i want to kick her in the ovaries.

fuckin a dude.

its my dads birthday and ive been in a horrible mood all day. im such a whiny bitch. but im also really hideous and it needs to end. wtf.

ah. i hate today.
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