Where have I been? Working, moving, filing out financial aid forms, ect and so forth. Who cares about that - what really matters is that recently I have been overwhelmed by the amount of blatantly OTT entertainment in the Fast and Furious franchise.
The gay in this series, it's glorious (And how about some Old School references ftw! One of these days I will find a .gif of Will Ferrell performing his ribbon gymnastics routine, and then my life will finally be complete).
Anyway, initially my plan was to shower you all with some caps, just so everyone would be in the know. Well that shower has become a bit of a tsunami, spanning both movies and almost all the spoilers you can think of (to be fair though these aren't the kind of movies where that'll really affect your enjoyment, especially if you're in it for the gay). In any case, click onwards for levels of gay that could cause the unsuspecting to have a slash blackout.
Here we have Brian Spilner O'Connor, undercover cop, illegal racing enthusiast and blatant admirer of Dominic Toretto. He's actually staring right past his 'love interest', Dom's sister Mia, to give Dom looks that are, as my roommate would say, completely extra.
It's enough to make Dom do that patented 'I know you're looking but I'm not going to acknowledge your staring' glance. Way to be all awkward with your crush, Brian.
Despite (or maybe because of) Brian's totally embarrassing earnestness Dom lets him hang around, a sort of trial member of the team. He tells Brian he's going to get Brian racing to "win some money off that ass".
Brian looks like nothing in the world is going to make him happier than hearing Dom refer to his ass. I cackle and then include a cap of Letty because she's really fucking hot.
Look at the boy! He's damn near preening. And let it be known that Dom is pretty excited about Brian's ass as well.
Sadly all this happy ass talk doesn't last forever - these guys have a lot of stress. See, look at Dom being stressed by Brian and Vince (the scene with Brian is great because here's Dom, huge and holding a shotgun, and yet he sounds completely helpless. Poor Dom).
Meanwhile, in FAF4 (the caps for which are shit, sorry. Just think of them as incentive to see it on the big screen) Brian is choking back tears and trying to entice Dom to forgive him by showing off his arms. The gay in this scene is extraordinary. On the left, those two white blurs are the soles of Brian's feet. The blue blur in between them? Dom. I KID YOU NOT.
Mia can't even believe the gay she's seeing.
The second photo is just because she looks like a Sim and it makes me laugh.
So anyway, shit goes down and they end up running from the bad guys in two different cars. When they go after Brian Dom literally blasts the shit out of them with his Bionic Man aim, and Brian takes a moment to swoon in an embarrassingly blatant manner about how freaking awesome his boyfriend is.
Brian ends up crashing his car and getting the shit kicked out of him by this hideous douchebag named Fenix (because spelling it Phoenix would be nerdy or something), and is about to be shot in the same manner that Dom's other love, Letty, was killed at the beginning of the movie.
Dom and his car do not approve of this, as evidenced by the way Fenix ends the scene:
Brian's all sprawled out on the ground, making some truly horrible sounds, so Dom rushes over to make sure he's okay (and feel free to take a moment to stare at his arms - in fact take several if you need to.
Dom does this knee hold and they have a ridiculous conversation about racing, and Dom says he doesn't want to run anymore, which my tin hat translated as him proposing settling down with Brian. Unfortunately this may mean Brian will have to be a prison wife, as Dom gets 25 to life. The picture on the left is Brian storming out of the courtroom past Mia in disgust at the sentencing. Cali isn't going to give him conjugal visits and damnit, that is not okay.
The last five minutes need to be seen to be believed - so go watch it.
aurora_84 has caps of it, since I'm all capped out. It is so worth a look though, it's like the rainbow sprinkles on your gay sundae.
Also, no lie, this entire post was a excuse to link