it's mostly cats

Sep 30, 2005 11:39

Most of this journal is readable only by LJ friends. There are no thrilling secrets on it; it's mostly stories about my cats, pictures of my knitting projects, and reports of writing in progress. If you know me, are a writer, knit, love cats, or have another reason you'd like to read my morphemes, let me know.

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m_dash November 2 2005, 15:34:41 UTC
You seem so nice, and are chums with my friends Ty and Cole. Could I be on your friends list?
No sweat if you're cutting back.


mirrormargaret November 3 2005, 01:04:14 UTC
Cutting back?! I only just started this whole thing! You are now a Friend (not the Quaker kind). So ... are you a Nhamp person? Have I met you ftf?


m_dash November 3 2005, 01:18:36 UTC
I've lived in N'ton many times, but not in years. Now I'm a West Springfield-ite. I worked with Ty at Channing Bete until I got canned a few months ago. Did you live here before you went south (and I mean that geographically)?


mirrormargaret November 3 2005, 02:58:58 UTC
Now I know who you are! Believe it or not, I've *cited* you. In an article I wrote for _Bitch_ a couple of years back (which is going to be in an anthology next fall. No doubt you & I will both have our hands full keeping the press away from our doors :). That sucks that you got canned. What are you doing now?


mirrormargaret November 3 2005, 03:00:43 UTC
Oh--I lived in Northampton for about 5 years, while I was getting my PhD. I grew up in Michigan. I now live in Atlanta, for my job, and startle everyone with my Northern ways.


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