►YOUR JOURNAL Other fandoms: White Collar, Disney/Pixar, Vampire Diaries, Star Trek, Whoniverse, Marvel Comics, Batman, Rome, History, Phoenix Wright, Oliver Twist, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Naruto, KickAss, Kingdom Hearts, Inception, Being Human, Sherlock Holmes/Sherlock, How I Met Your Mother, Good Omens, Heroes when it was good, DBZ, Glee, Pushing Daisies, Alice Other interests: Photography, drawing, writing, iconing, being an art history nerd, photoshop stuff, long walks on the beach (I wish I was kidding), meta, camwhoring, cosplay. In my journal I write about: 50% real life drama, 40% fandom, 10% art history meta. Friending policies: Friends only but I'm easy about it. Anything else?
It won't let me edit it, even after deleting the comment. SO. I take this comment to apologize profusely for being such a flake recently, and can only blame real life's tendency to kick my ass at the most inopportune times. Also, hoping no one catches the missing parenthesis and imagine that those two gifs are switched.
Name: Miri
Age: 20
Location: NYC
Currently I play:
alphapupasshole // Tyler Lockwood // The Vampire Diaries
necessarymal // Kane Pierce // The Genderbent Diaries
aslightofskin // Mr. Eames (AU/Past) // Inception
perfectforgery // Mr. Eames // Inception
asweareplainly // Walker Evans // History
chiaroscuring // Caravaggio // History
cockandrose // Robert (Mapple)thorpe // History
likeaprovost // Raphael Santi Urbino // History
patreaugustus // Octavian Augustus // History
deuxiemetoile // Aurora // Marvel Comics
carnationpurple // Lionel // US of Tara
glossgleesbian // Kat Hummel // 63!Glee
likeamilkmaid // Kurt Hummel // Glee
inspectornanny // Inspector Lestrade // Sherlock
noonementions // Bill Sykes // Oliver Twist
inacandystore // Jerry/Daphne // Some Like it Hot
playingnurse // Rory Williams-Pond // Doctor Who
theladyissonic // Romana // Doctor Who
titusboomicus // T is for Titus
watchingcogs // Ivan // Being Human
In the past I've played: Zetsu at a lot of places (Primarily using fleshtoned, A ton of Naruto people back in the day, mightymissjones (Martha Jones), whyso_green (Poison Ivy), misscompanygirl (Elle Bishop), lt_swashbuckle secondstosirius don_tcallmetiny withcatsaway (Hikaru Sulu), amplestnacelles (Moira Scott), ineffablenglish (Aziraphale), couldbedead (Demetri Noh), princeofmeows (Tybalt), notanelephant (Abu), fulltimepop (Pongo), everyleftshoe (Stitch), onemorehabit (Watson), toppriortea (Mad March), redmistaking (Red Mist)
I play at/have played at: Currently at: sixwordstories and smuttysws
Previously at: edgeof_eternity, Startrekxirpg, malaise_house, neobezmaertney
Other fandoms: White Collar, Disney/Pixar, Vampire Diaries, Star Trek, Whoniverse, Marvel Comics, Batman, Rome, History, Phoenix Wright, Oliver Twist, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Naruto, KickAss, Kingdom Hearts, Inception, Being Human, Sherlock Holmes/Sherlock, How I Met Your Mother, Good Omens, Heroes when it was good, DBZ, Glee, Pushing Daisies, Alice
Other interests: Photography, drawing, writing, iconing, being an art history nerd, photoshop stuff, long walks on the beach (I wish I was kidding), meta, camwhoring, cosplay.
In my journal I write about: 50% real life drama, 40% fandom, 10% art history meta.
Friending policies: Friends only but I'm easy about it.
Anything else?
That is all.
Also, you haven't been flaky at all. School has been CRAZY for me as well and I've been worse than you.
That is all. FOR NOW.
Pretend that's what this comment is.
Clearly, we are too cool for kicks.
It was in my Harry Potter folder I DON'T EVEN KNOW.
God. ;_;
THAT WAS MY FIRST SLASH PAIRING. It was the turning point of my youth where I went "oh" and SAW THE HOMOEROTIC LIGHT.
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