Oct 11, 2007 01:59
really fucking gay.
btw, no more caps lock button for me.
work sucks hardcore.
long god damned day.
this is now private after this.
fucking i can't stand it.
five years.
three people read this.
who the fuck would have figured.
i know how they found out.
i didn't even mean anything buy it.
i'm allowed to write what i think when no ones watching.
but now i have to precisely word every fucking thing because i'm going to have a hawks eye on this.
mis reading, and mis wording things are common mistakes of the human language.
don't jump to conclusions.
i was talking about taking better care of my animals because i didn't do so well before.
and yeah, animal whores, wtf, you guys love animals, and i wish i could do the same.
fuck this.
try talking to the person, not jumping to god damned conclusions.