Application: witchesreign

Dec 12, 2011 18:38

Name: Suki
Journal: healingtricks
AIM: Glennysaurus

Character Name: Luke Fon Fabre
Series: Tales of the Abyss
Gender: Male
Age & Canon Point: 7, physically seventeen. Canon point is Eldrant. After Asch dies, and before the final battle with Van.
Requested Sponsor: Amber.
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet .
Garden History: N/A
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: After seven years of training with Van Grants, Luke is familiar with the art of the sword. He is purely melee when it comes to fighting in general, with a side of tanking, if he so chooses to take the blow for his comrades. He has a hard shell on the outside, because his drive and determine fuel his desire to protect.

Like Asch, Luke is able to harness the seven fonon. It is a perk he gets for being a scion of Lorelei. Being able to harness the seventh fonon allows him to use hyperressonance. Using hyperressonance means that the user can rid of any fonon and then reconstruct them. This is considered a dangerous ability to have, however, simply because using it could cause massive-destruction. Along with the normal hyperressonance, there is another level of hyperressonance called second-order hyperressonance. Being able to use this, Luke can neutralize any fonon around him. Of course, he was only able to use this power when all of Asch’s energies transferred to Luke when Asch died. Despite that long ass explanation of hyperressonance, Luke will not be using hyperressonance because he can’t control it unless Asch is assisting him.

Finally, Luke has the ability to use Mystic Artes. His first arte, Radiant Howl, and his second mystic arte, Lost Fon Drive.

Personality: Prior to cutting his hair, Luke was nothing more than a bratty noble, that knew nothing of the world. This was due to a kidnapping that happened during his childhood that left him so traumatized that he had forgotten all his memories prior to the kidnapping. Which also led to The King of Kimlasca make the decision to have Luke sheltered within the manor. In doing so, Luke’s personality was based off what his servants would teach him, his parents, and also his fiancée, Princess Natalia.

Luke did not have any tact when it came to expressing how he felt. He would go as far as to insult Tear Grants, who had been trying to escort him back to his manor, and to also insult Jade Curtiss, who was a Lt. Colonel in the opposing nation. However, most would look over this personality trait of his, because, again, he lived a sheltered life, and he really did not have a good amount of social skills, because the only people he would really get to talk to were the maids and servants around the manor.

Luke continued to have his bratty noble attitude, until Akzurieth, when he caused most of the land around the city, and the city itself to fall because of blindness to listen to his original, Asch the Bloody, who tried to warn him that Luke was merely being used, and that the outcome would not turn out well. Of course, Luke, who would not listen, refused. Thus causing this devastation, and later on, feeding into a guilty conscious that builds into his new personality change.

However, after the incident in Akzurieth, and much reflecting on how he acted, and how he was treating people, Luke cut his hair, so he could show others that he could change, and that he was willing to change to atone for his sins and being the main reason why all those people lost their lives.

This brings us to Luke’s new personality. The complete antithesis of how he was before.

Luke, because of Asch, suffers greatly from inferiority issues. Asch is mainly the source of this, due to the fact that Luke was Asch’s replica, and only found out when events happened in the game. When he found out, he pretended to act like he was worth something, but his issues only appear to be more visible after Asch starts to appear more to help out the team. And whenever Asch appears, Luke has the tendency to stay behind, and let Asch take over. Or remind others that he’s just a replica, and that Asch is the real ‘Luke Fon Fabre’. His inferiority also causes him to be sad, despite the fact that his friends, and his family look upon Luke as his own person.

After cutting his hair, Luke drops the bratty noble personality, and becomes a very nice individual. Now willing to help those in need, despite knowing his actions can’t atone for all the deaths he caused. He, however, despite the guilt racking behind him, will always help, and show empathy for those who need it. He will also protect, and put himself in front of a person if their lives are in danger. He often also tries to aid Asch, and tries to save him from sacrificing himself, but that does not turn out well for the Replica, seeing that Asch does not want his help, which causes Luke to be frustrated.

Luke also has a wide level of determination. Once he puts his mind to something, he won’t stop until he succeeds. This is apparent through the whole game. Despite having obstacles being thrown at him, Luke will always be able to overcome them. Life-threatening or not, if Luke has a reason and if lives are in harm’s way, he will always be able to push through. He does whatever it takes, even if it means sacrificing his own life. I. E staying behind in Eldrant and releasing Lorelei while Eldrant is collapsing.

While Luke is the nice guy, it is also seen that he has quite a short-fuse that is similar to Asch’s. If something makes him flustered, he will lash out from being too embarrassed. Though, his lashing out is not always yelling. Sometimes he will blush, make a displeased noise, or, like Asch, yell.

Unlike Asch, Luke will not often raise his voice. There are few things that Luke may get angry at, but he is likely to be very calm, and willing to listen whenever he needs to. The one thing that really sets off Luke is if one of his friends, or a good CR gets hurt in battle, or by someone. Teasing him may also get him angry, but mostly flustered.
At times, Luke can be serious when he needs to get a point across, or if the situation at hand calls to be serious. Though, there are times, where Luke can also be a handful of ditzy. Sometimes it is to make people laugh, and sometimes, it is because Luke really doesn’t know he’s being ditzy and does it anyway, which makes him lovable, but also, sometimes, very embarrassing. There are times where he needs to be reminded what to say, or what to do in certain situations.

A big thing about Luke, is that Luke is always willing to change, and can change. Throughout the game, Luke goes through an incredible personality shift, that teaches him to grow up, and become more independent, rather than dependant on people how he was before. He becomes his own person, and this causes his inferiority issues to die down a bit, once Asch accepts him as a person. He is able to make his own decisions, and eventually becomes a reborn Luke Fon Fabre.

What are your plans for the character in-game?
To have him meet other people! Luke likes to learn new things, so that he can build his knowledge. … And he likes meeting new people, too.

Oh. Have him be a good Samaritan.

Anything else?

Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire
What do you prefer to be known as?
How old are you?
Hey! Why are you asking that question! … I’m seventeen.

Do you have any history in combat?
If so, have you ever killed?
… Do I have to answer this? It kind of a personal question.

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity?
I can handle it. It shouldn’t be too hard as long as we all work together.

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities?
I like to keep busy.

iii) What role do you take when working in a group?
I’m okay with any role, actually. Whatever it takes to get whatever we’re working on done.

iv) How talkative are you around other people?
I like to be friendly. So I think I’m in the middle?

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning. Wait! Can I come back and answer this? I need time to think about it!

Ah jeez. I’ll put down “my sword” just in case. Being able to have my sword means I can protect my loved ones if they’re stuck on the island with me. … Can that be the second thing? Having them around means that the island won’t be lonely or boring.

Oh man, now I need a third thing… [GUESS WHO LEFT THE THIRD THING BLANK]

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people?
It depends. I think as long as you have friends and family who like you, then you don’t have to worry about a wide range of people liking you.

Even if they don’t like me, I’ll still help them out.

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance?
Yeah. Taking the chance is worth it. You won’t know if you don’t try.

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person?
… I’m not like Asch.

I guess I can be.

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life?
Planning things ahead might save more lives, so no. I don’t agree.

x) Do you like surprises?
Depends on the surprise…

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you?
… Sometimes.

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions?
It depends on what the superior is trying to do or say.

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages?
Cabbages are good when they’re cooked by a good chef.

ii.) Thread

*ooc, *application

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