There just comes a time ya got t'put down roots

Jul 24, 2006 07:50

For a while, Rogue had considered finding herself a home in Las Vegas. Somewhere close to where it had happened. But, in the end, she had realized hwo fatalistic that was. So, in the end, she had looked in the coastal area of Virginia until she'd found the place she wanted.

It was a snug two bedroom that had everything she wanted. Privacy, a single family dwelling, and two bedrooms. It also was owned by a little old man that believed her every word about an abusive ex stalking her and that was why she didn't have references, or even identification.

She had to wait two days before there was electricity but moving in seemed right. She had a home again.

So she left a message for Juggernaut.

That thing we talked about? It's done. How's Virgina sound to you?

That was all, not willing to give away more without speaking to him directly.
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