
Nov 19, 2010 06:13

[It's morning, and Asch is paying a visit to the smithy to look into getting his Maestro sword sharpened; it's been a while, and you can only do so much without giving it a proper filing. While he's there waiting for his request to be processed - or waiting for a free spot in the workshop to do it himself if necessary - he browses around the store at the new arrivals, wanting to check on what kinds of blades have shown up. And that's about when he stumbles upon something he definitely wasn't expecting to see.

So within a few hours, Asch can be found heading home through the snow with two swords, one at his hip and the other simply carried by his side, though he's careful with it, as if it's some kind of sacred weapon. He's looking for someone specific, but feel free to stop him en route to House 5 if you're around.]

important business, smithy, guy

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